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Building Latter-day Faith - 2023 Conference Art Contest Submission Form

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Submission Info

Please include a quote, story, or citation of how your entry relates to Wilford Woodruff.


All entries must be original works, based on the entrant’s own concept or premise. Entries that infringe on copyright or have been plagiarized entirely or contain plagiarized elements will be disqualified.


The Wilford Woodruff Papers Foundation seeks to be a positive influence for young artists and their families. Consequently, only submissions deemed “family-friendly” in nature will be accepted. Entries that contain violent, bigoted, or sexually-explicit elements will not be considered for entry in the contest or for display at the venue. The Foundation reserves the right to determine whether any entry meets these standards.

If this submission is a collaboration, please enter the email addresses of each collaborator separated by a semicolon (;). They will receive an email prompting them to enter their contact information and certify that the work is original and appropriate.