Letter from Jesse Chapman, n.d.


Letter from Jesse Chapman, n.d.
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    Have sent newspaper containing this Alamo Kalamazoo ^co^ Michigan Prest Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Sir My object in writing you is to obtain infermati- on in reguard to the wheareabouts of Charls Chapman's famley My Brother, Edward Chapman, was in Salt Lake City Iin route for California in 1849. Charles Chapman had Started for California a few weeks before my Brother got to Salt lake city. My Brother Saw, ...
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    Them occasionyally, But during the ware we lost all tarace of them; Last Apil a man came to my place claiming to be Charles Chapman. ^He^ Said he was a son of Charles Chapman, our uncle. ^He^ told us his Father was still alive. hHe also told us many things that happend in our familysies years ago, when we were living in the East part of Michigan. He was a very peculiar man; Stayed a few day's, ^and^ left us just as myissterously ...
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    —Charles Chapman was a Brother to my Father whoesse name was Jesse Chapman Now we want to find uncle Charles^'s^ famley, if it is a possible thing, on importen^t^ business; and if will be so kind as to assist us. what ever your trouble is we will pay you. In case you cant or do not know any thing about them pleas give us some one's name that would be likley to help us; we would like a reply at your earlest conveniants Very Respectfully Your
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    Jesse Chapman