Letter from Andrew Kimball, 13 June 1898 [LE-40421]

Document Transcript

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To the First Presidency
Salt Lake City: Utah

Dear Bretheren:
Our Quarterly Conferance has just closed
this evening, throughout it was one characterized largely with
the spirit of the Lord. The bishops ^and^ Stake offices reports
showed plainly a marked improvement in this Stake of Zion
since the Apostles were here; there is not a dissenting
voice throughout the stake that we know of; the
spirit of unison and love seems to exist in every quorum.
The saints have tried hard to follow out councils
recieved; a large majority of them are keeping the Words
of wisdom, and all the officers do. As you may know
from remittances sent to your office and according to the
quarterly report made to the Presiding Bishopric, there is
scarcely anything on hand in the tithing, the people
have paid librally, and the bishops have converted
almost everything into cash. The donations now paid
on our fast days are almost sufficient to meet the demands
of our few poor and it will only be a matter of a
short time untill we will not need one cent of tithing)

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for this purpose. The bishops are endeavoring to
utilize the lesser priesthood and give them a proper
training. Our Relief Societies, Sunday Schools, Primary
Y.M. & Y. L. Associations are reported in a healthy con-
dition, the latter two however have ajourned for the
summer season, taking up the time of their former
meeting in missionary classes which have been
organized in almost every ward and are doing excel-
lant work. In Thatcher last nights class over which
I have the pleasure of presiding in connection with
two of my bretheren we have an enrollment of over
seventy young men and women; these class exercises
are purely on the principles of the Gospel with the
purpose of training our youth for missionary work.
Never in the history of our valley have we had better
prospects for an abundant harvest of fruit and grains,
we are already eating luscious Apricots, Peaches & Plums.
Our harvesters and thrashers are at work our valleys resounding
with them of machinery taking care of the grain.
Immediately following the fields are turned over again
and large fields of corn are planted.

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In response to a call made by our Governor there have
been some few volunteers to assist our government in the
present war but in consequence of our position on the
border and newly and sparcely settled country, we have
not many young men to spare. As a local protection
of our citizens and property we have organized home
guards in each of our settlements very much after
the order of the old style with captains over 10's 50's and
100's, and summonsed in the old style by a bass drum;
Saturday afternoons are set apart as a day of recreation
and cleaning up for sunday at which time our brethren
are [directed] and drilled by some of our older brethren
of former years. The brethren have laid out consid-
erable means for the latest improved army guns;
you will understand we are on the borders of Mexico
and have many Mexican and Spanish citizens and
many of the government troops who have been keeping
under subjection the Apache and other tribes of
indians on the reservations have been withdrawn
to aid in the war making us feel a little unsafe
without local protection.

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The Enterprise Canal Co principally the gentile
element have endeavored for some time years to
construct a large canal which would cover all the
now unoccupied in the valley on this side of the
river about 50000 acres, failed in a sense, at any rate
they could not agree exeppt except on one proposition,
that is they agreed to disagree; they finally said if we cant
do this we believe the mormons can; they awaited my
return from Utah, when at their meeting four members
including the President of the board resigned; they then
elected me President of the Company with full power
to select three members of the board; this proposition
was accepted by the High Council and priesthood of
the stake. I selected three of our bishops giving us
controll, a majority of the board; we have now made
every preparation to accompany the surveyor on the 15th
in a preliminary survey, after which several of my
brethren and myself will follow up this survey and
after the rush of harvest is over will proceed with
the construction of the canal. It seems that the
gentile element have a great amount of confidence

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in our people, many prominent business men have
expressed themselves, that if President Kimball
would take hold of this they would support him with
their means and labor. Of course the united action
of the Priesthood of God is a mystery to them; we have
placed ourselves under the direction of the Lord in
this labor as in all others; We acknowledge his hand
in, that, the dissention existed in the outsiders and has
been placed in the hands of the people.

The excavation is now being made and Pres't. Johnson
has in charge the erection of an addition to our academy
building; we have secured the service of good efficiant and
teachers, people are liberally supporting us and we expect
a successful term of school. Especial interest is taken
in our district schools, there is an enlivening in music
and singing and indeed a general spirit of improv-
ment seems to pervade our valleys.

At a meeting of our bishops and stake clerk there
was a unanamous and kindly feeling to try and keep
within the limits of the proposed percentage for the taking
care of tithes, though the way we are situated here

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the amount is entirely inadequate; the general expression
of the tithe paying people of the stake I believe is to aid in
every way possible in lifting the church indebtedness and
in releasing our brethren from their obligations. People
are advised both in general and through the relief societies to take
care of their grain. Home industries are strongly advocated in
our stake. We urge a higher grade of entertainment than dan-
cing and pleased to note there is retrenchment in this line.

Our Sisters unanamously agreed to uncover their heads in
all religious meetings this custom now prevails in our stake.
Brother Christopher Layton has so improved the past four weeks
that he is able to travel and we deemed it advisable for him
to return to Utah where he might recieve better attention. today
at about 5 P.M. he dart accompanied by his wife Elizabeth
and son Charles M. my councilor he started for his home in
Davis Co. Sister Allen whose daughter resides in New Mexico
showed me a letter today showing a demand for missionaries
in that particular section of country. she states she is doing
all she can a lively interest is awakening and she very much wishes
that Elders be sent there. her address is Ella Thorp. Kelley
Socorro Co. N. M. it is a few miles the R. R. station magdelena

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leading off from the Sante Fe system before we get to Deming.
Elder John W. Taylor while coming through that section
of the country enroute here took some items I believe with
a view to putting missionaries in there.

We found many grave yards situated in the lowlands
here they are subject to floods during our rainy season.
acting upon our council steps are now being taken to
remove them on higher ground and there are many
beautiful table lands near our settlements.

The health of the people is generally good and everything
seems prosperous.

With Kind Regards Very Respectfully
Your Brother in the Gospel.
Andrew Kimball.

Dictated By. A. J. C.