Whare there is a prophet, a priest, or a righ-
teous man unto whom God gives his oracles
there is the kingdom of God, & whare the
oracles of God are not there the kingdom
of God is not. In these remarks I have
no allusion to the kingdoms of the earth, we
will keep the Laws of the Land, we do not
speak against them we never have, & we
can hardly make mention of the state
of Missouri of our persecutions there &c
but what the cry goes forth that we are
guilty of larceny, Bur[g]lary, arson treason &
murder &c &c which is fals, we speak of
the kingdom of God on the earth not the
kingdoms of mem. The plea of many in
this day is that we have no right to receive
revelations. But if we do not get revelations
we do not have the oracles of God & if they
have not the oracles of God they are not
the people of God But say you what will
become of the world or the various professors
of religion who do not believe in revelation &
the oracles of God as continued to his
Church in all ages of the world when he
has a people on earth. I Tell you in the
name of Jesus Christ they will be damned
& when you get into the eternal
world you will find it to be so they cannot
escape the damnation of hell
As touching the gospel & Baptism that John
preached I would say that John came preach-
ing the gospel for the remission of sins he
had his authority from God & the oricles
of God were with him & the kingdom of [God]
Whare there is a prophet, a priest, or a righteous man unto whom God gives his oracles
there is the kingdom of God, & whare the
oracles of God are not there the kingdom
of God is not. In these remarks I have
no allusion to the kingdoms of the earth, we
will keep the Laws of the Land, we do not
speak against them, we never have, & we
can hardly make mention of the State
of Missouri of our persecutions there &c
but what the cry goes forth that we are
guilty of larceny, Burglary, arson treason &
murder &c &c which is fals, we speak of
the kingdom of God on the earth not the
kingdoms of mem. The plea of many in
this day is that we have no right to receive
revelations. But if we do not get revelations
we do not have the oracles of God & if they
have not the oracles of God they are not
the people of God. But say you what will
become of the world or the various professors
of religion who do not believe in revelation &
the oracles of God as continued to his
Church in all ages of the world when he
has a people on earth. I Tell you in the
name of Jesus Christ they will be damned
& when you get into the eternal
world you will find it to be so they cannot
escape the damnation of hell
As touching the gospel & baptism that John
preached I would say that John came preaching the gospel for the remission of sins he
had his authority from God & the oricles
of God were with him & the kingdom of God
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"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," January 22, 1843, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 14, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/Lnj