Letter from H. Edward Desaules, 6 January 1894 [LE-14584]

Document Transcript

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Kingston Piute Co .

President Woodruff.

Dear brother First beginnigng by wishing
you an happy new year, good health and prosperity
I conclude by saying that I am an old bachelor
deaf from my birth and now sick from rupture of
the bowels and other sickness inherent from it and from
other causes so that I am incapacited from earning
my own sustenance partially although able to work at
odd times. Now the voice of the Spirit was telling
me that I should go into the Temple to get my
healing and forgiveness of my sins. I felt some doubts
about going and the voice tolld me to writte to you as
you are the Lord's anointed Prophet & Seer, & that
you would tell me through the Lord what I should
do. Therefore I shall await your answer & remain
most respectfully your humble brother in the Gospel
of Christ.

H. Edward Desaules
Kingston Piute Co Utah.

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H. E. Desaules
Jany 6 [18]94