Letter from Lars Peterson, 27 December 1889 [LE-33135]

Document Transcript

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L. Peterson,

Independence Mo Dec. 27th 1889.

President W. Woodruff.
Dear Sir;

I will repeat my words to you.
I am grieved because of your faith, by
which the Saints in Utah, is lead, which
people I love.

As long as you Leaders, see eye
to eye, with the Prophet and seer, Breigham
, and Seek to save yourself, and the
latter day Saints, by that faith, your works
is all in vain.

The Lord have sent the gentiles
for to destroy your faith, and he will suf-
fer your enemy to speak, in your ears with
a voice louder then that which shall shake the
earth, and as you will not do the will of god,
will many of our Brethren fall by the sword,
and our Sisters be ravished, if not the written

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words of god, can make some change, in
your faith, before they will be compel to.

Adam, Brighams god, and his son,
Jesus, as the saints Saviour cannot save,
but destroy. By the Spirit of this gods, is
the latter day Saints lead, to add sin, to sin.

If you have any desire to save your peo-
ple, from the judgment of god, you must
give up that Spirit of inspiration, which
have lead the latter day Saints ^to sin,^ from that
time the seer Joseph was Martyred, in carthage
. The rod of iron, is written complete
by the seer; which will rule all nations, wherefore
we kow fully the future condition, of both
Saints, and Sinners.

The must effectual sin, the false christ
and his Servants, has lead the Saints into is,
those things had in secret chambers, by husbond
and his wife. The wasteing of flesh where it
hath no need; even the gratification of the flesh
without the object, or desire for offspring, is the
great sin, the Saints has committed, which has

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caused their destruction spiritual,
wherefore ye, are all walking in darkness
at noon day.

Because of your sins ^and^ blindness, will
you for a little season be chastened with a
grievous chastisement. but from the very
hour you, and your Brethren, will repent, and
hearken unto the counsel, of the written word
of god; you shall begin to prevail against
yours - and the Lords enemies.

And you will then begin to see eye
to eye with the great seer, and translotore of
the book of Morman, and with all the holy
Prophets. As I have for many years, taken
the written words, given through the seer, for
my guide, I have deny myself, as the words
derect, wherefore I protest unto you, the resur-
rection of the dead; who is dead in trespasses and
sins. As you have not answer my questions, have I
some hope that you comprehend your error. The
rod of iron Show plainly what kind of inspiration
which has built up the works, the Saints have had

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joy in for a season, but they, is come to the end
of their joy, until they, are governed by the
written words of god, and by the power of
the priesthood, which will Save life, and des-
troy life, as the written words direct.

The inspiration which has established the
faith in the hearts of the Utah Saints, that
christ had children in this mortal state, has by
this works made all the latter day Sainsts great
enemies to the Lord Jesus christ, Joseph god.

The devil want the Saints to believe, that
christ, lived in a fallen state. "If Adam had not
fallen, they, would have had no children".

But I fear you, and your Brethren will
not give up your inspiration, but will continue
to build on the foundation laid by Brigham
, until the fullness of the wrath of Joseph ^god^
must come, by which doctrines the devils, and
all sinners, is to be destroyed. Then, will the
Nobles - even gods elect, be call to his Kingdom.

I remain yours respectfuly
L. Peterson.