Letter from Ebenezer Hanks, Chapman Duncan, and Seth Millington Blair, 27 July 1871 [LE-2513]

Document Transcript

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Iron City

Hon Wilford Woodruff

President of the Deserett
Agricultural and Manufacturing Society

Salt Lake Utah

Mr President It is with mingled pleasure
of gratitude and pride for which we are greatful
to an over ruling p^P^rovidence for his blessings in
crowning our labours with success ^in the iron business^. p^P^roud that
Utah can bo[a]st of the only furnace producing a no
one article of gray pig iron between Omahaw
and China! And greatful that we have the
satisfaction to report through you to the honora-
ble b^B^oard over whom you preside that the Utah
Iron Mining Company
incorporated Augt 17th 1870
in Iron County have Erected furnaces imported
machinery and are successfully smelting the iron oars ^ores^
of this vicinity producing, a quality of gray cast iron
Equal to the best.

The President and directors
of the presant Company Ebenezer Hanks President

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Chapman Duncan and Seth M Blair
Derictors commenced as Early as June 1868
to Erect furnaces to smelt Iron Oar ^ore^ and reduce the
same to a marketable condition.

The first and second years were principally
devoted to searching for a material from which
we could manufacture a fire proof brick or furnace
lining in which we have succeeded and, the building
of furnaces, opening, of roads, and Querries, and Exper-
ementing on Oars ^ores^ fluxing material, E[x]ctra.

During this period of time we were Experimenting
and until we had spent near two and a half years
of incessant toil and much means, did we find
a competent Smelter, a reliable man, in the
person of David B Adams of Beaver County
Who we Engaged and with his assistance the Company
have met with their most sanguine anticipations
Our f^F^urnace is small only capable of producing
twenty five hundred pounds pr Day of No 1 Iron.
The company ^are^ now Erecting a good brick building for
a f^F^oundry and have Engaged the survices of Mr

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Richard Harrison of Pinto to take charge of
the same a trust worthy and competent m^M^oulder
the f^F^oundry will be in operation in a few Days.
When with the advantage of Coak ^Coke^ (made from our late
discovery of Coal with in three miles of Our works afine
article and Extensive deposit.)

We shall be able to offer a variety of castings at Salt Lake
prices freight added

The company anticipate als[o] to Erect during
the present year a larger furnace for smelting ^their Ores^ Oar
a f^F^org^e^ for ^allso^ r^R^ought iron and a f^F^urnace for steel.
Should they meet that kind and liberal patronage
which their friends flatter them they, will have from
a prop[le] devoted, to a policy of self sustaining institutions
on the c^C^ooperative principle.

Isolated as our works are at present and must be for
a time we crave the protection and fostering care of your
honerable body and shall of the Governor and Legislature
to Enable us to place p^P^ermi^a^nately on a firm basis one
of the greatest Enterprizes in the Territory.

Without which her citizens will continue to be dependent
on foreign manufacturers for that which n^N^ature has
in profusion provided us the Oar ^Ore^ to produce namely Iron.
We wish to be Enrolled as life m^M^embers of your Society

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And trust that your honorable body may deem
it wisdom to Encourage the iron business by offering such
premiums for the best article of gray cast Iron seccond
best also white Iron Steel and rought Iron, also for
various castings ^At your next Anual Fair^ which articles shall be made from
the n^N^ative Oa^r^r^e^s of Utah at w^W^orks Erected in the Territory
In a few days we shall be prepaired to offer
castings to the citizens of Utah and that too in Exchange
for the products of the f^F^arm the w^W^ork shop the vineyard
the g^G^arden and Dairy the Loom the Tanery and the
Mill and with a liberal patronage Defy successful
competition and h^H^ad we Railroad facilities
we can successfully compete with i^I^ron men of
the East for the Salt Lake and Pacific Coast trade
As our facilities are unequalted for the production
of Iron in the United States and unsurpassed in

There fore again we report to Capitalists[']
come and see or, send your Experts, or come with
them, and if we cannot convince you that there is
more money to be made in the i^I^ron business in Utah
with the same out lay of capital than there is in any

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Silver m^M^ine the (Emma not Excepted) we will
present them with as good a silver l^L^ode as the
average [Lads] of Utah or n^N^evada can produce
(for we have them). b^B^ut see the money in the i^I^ron business
The ambition of the Officers and Stock holders of the
Utah Iron Mining Company is to be able to not only
compete for the local Iron trade of the Rocky Mountains
and Pacific Coast but to claim a n^N^iche for f^F^ame in the
great National c^C^entenial Temple to be Erected in
the city of Phili^a^delphia in^A^D 1876 for the best Quality
of American Iron and Steel.

Trusting s^S^ir that while the precious metals of
Utah ca^l^aim and hold so ave^a^riciously the time
talant and money of a resptable number of our
capp^i^talist that her statesmen will continue as they
have done to Encourage the m^M^anufacture of Iron
c^C^otton Wool and Silk we have and shall ^continue to^ have the proud
gratification to be co workers in Uta^i^lizeing the n^N^atural
products of the Earth for the benefit of Man.

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We have the honor to subscribe our
selves yours most respectfully

Ebenezer Hanks—President

Chapman Duncan Directors

Seth M Blair Director
and Secretary U.I.M. Co

Bro, Woodruff

We anticipate to be at
the Fair & pay for our membership


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[sideways text] Blair, Seth M.