Letter from William Johnson, 30 April 1889


Letter from William Johnson, 30 April 1889
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    [sideways text] April 30 [18]89 Wm Johnson Beaver Rcd May 6 [18]89 Asd May 6 [18]89 [end of sideways text] Beaver City, Utah, Apr. 30th 1889. Prest. Wilford Woodruff: Dear Brother, I hope you will pardon me for the liberty I take of writing to you. Being a stranger to you it necessitates me to ^introduce^ myself. I am, and have been, the princi- pal teacher of the Beaver Central School for the past three years. Am also a normal grad- uate of the Brigham Young Academy ...
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    be accomplish^ed^ in that way, and, perhaps, the peo- ple could be made to see from a scientific stand point, the terrible effects of narcotics and stimulants upon the human body. I would like, if it is agreeable to your mind, a recommend from you to the bishops south of Beaver giving me the privilege through your authority to lecture to the people assembled under the authority of their respective bishops. I believe by this course I could get more people together and thus could ^do^ more good. It is as easy to speak ...