21 We drove to Fountains Green & held a Meeting at 12.
The sunday school Children sang. (I saw Father James Alread
He will be 85 years of age on the 22nd Jan 1869)
Meeting opened By Prayer By C. J LarsenJoseph Young sen
Spoke 25 minutes W Woodruff spoke 18 Minutes A M Musser
spoke 13 m[inutes] G. Q. Cannon spoke 17, D H Wells 18 & President Young 29 Minutes. We dined then drove to Moroni 6 mile
& held a Meeting at half past 4 oclok Joseph F Smith spoke
25 m[inutes] John Vancott 22 & President Young 20 M[inutes] I spent
the night at John Richmans we had a Meeting we had
a meeting in the Evening Br Dunford Prayed Thomas Taylor
spoke 15 minutes W Woodruff spoke 16, O Hyde spoke 4 minutes
G Q Cannon 10 Minutes D H Wells 13
~ Tuesday
22nd We drove to Fairview & held a Meeting at 10-30. Joseph F Smith Prayed D. H. Wells spoke 40 Minutes Joseph
Young ^sen^ 40 W Woodruff 17. President B Young was vary unwell
& could not speak He requested the people to raise the
walls of the House 3 feet higher before puting the roof on. We
drove to Mount Plesant. We had the greatest display & largest
procession in the streets to welcome us that I ever sayw in
this Territory out side of Salt Lake City. We held a meeting in
the Bowery Joseph Young prayed G Q Cannon spoke 40 minutes
D H. Wells 25, O Hyde 10 Joseph ^W^ Youngsen 22 minutes.
21 We drove to Fountains Green & held a Meeting at 12.
The sunday school Children sang. (I saw Father James Alread
He will be 85 years of age on the 22nd Jan 1869)
Meeting opened By Prayer By C. J LarsenJoseph Young sen
Spoke 25 minutes W Woodruff spoke 18 Minutes A M Musser
spoke 13 minutes G. Q. Cannon spoke 17, D H Wells 18 & President
Young 29 Minutes. We dined then drove to Moroni 6 mile
& held a Meeting at half past 4 oclok Joseph F Smith spoke
25 minutes John Vancott 22 & President Young 20 Minutes I spent
the night at John Richmans we had a Meeting we had
a meeting in the Evening Br Dunford Prayed Thomas Taylor
spoke 15 minutes W Woodruff spoke 16, O Hyde spoke 4 minutes
G Q Cannon 10 Minutes D H Wells 13
~ Tuesday
22nd We drove to Fairview & held a Meeting at 10-30.
Joseph F Smith Prayed D. H. Wells spoke 40 Minutes Joseph
Young sen 40 W Woodruff 17. President B Young was vary unwell
& could not speak He requested the people to raise the
walls of the House 3 feet higher before puting the roof on. We
drove to Mount Plesant. We had the greatest display & largest
procession in the streets to welcome us that I ever saw in
this Territory out side of Salt Lake City. We held a meeting in
the Bowery Joseph Young prayed G Q Cannon spoke 40 minutes
D H. Wells 25, O Hyde 10 Joseph W Young 22 minutes.
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," September 21, 1868 - September 23, 1868, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed October 9, 2024, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/rkYE