Letter from Charles Coulson Rich, 18 January 1862 [LE-2088]

Document Transcript

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Jan. 18, 1862
C. C. Rich
W. Woodruff,
recd Feb. 19.
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42, Islington, Liverpool,

Wilford, Woodruff,

Dear Brother, I have intended
to write to you, for a long time, but for various reasons
it has been postponed till the present. Br Bentley
told me when he arrived in Liverpool, that you
requested him to speak to me about writing my
history. this he Done. I felt to appreciate your knid [kind]
requst. it seems imposible for me to Do any thing
of the kind in this country our labors have
occupied all our time and no Doubt will till we
leave here besides I could write it more to my
sattisfaction at homee where I could refer to Dates
and frinds as well as all my Journals. the President
has Given us Liberty to return home this summer
which, will soon, I trust place in^me^ in a situation
to write my history. I have felt the necesity of this
keenly, and trust I will be spared ^un^till it is completed
my health is quite good at present, except I have
been lame, for some time. I sliped in pasing Down
a flight of stairs in Norway and strained my left
Ancle it was quite painful at first but but got

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better. I have kept going on it, which I suppose is the
reason it continues some lame. no Doubt you have
receeved the star and with letters from this country
are posted as to matters in general. I think the work
is in a Prosperous condition. Perticularly in Sca.
Scandinavia. the war in america bears heavily on this
country. the streets in all these Towns and cities are
filled with beggars. most of the working classes are on
short time. Many of them out of employment altogether,
which will, if it continues Bring a great Deal of misery
there has been a great Deal of excitement in this country
over the Trent affair the Takeing of Mason and slidel there
could not have been more Vigorous efforts on the Part of this
government in Prepareing for was if it had been Declared
the excitement has now Partially Blown over still the
government Does not slaken its Preperations which
shows that there is still fears entertained in regard to the
future. in fact the Papers Publically Declare that there
is no Dependence to be put in the American Government,
at this time the Norhvill that Burnt the Harvey Birch
is lying at south ampton, has been refiting and is now
ready for sea the Tuscarosa a Federal War Steamer has also
arrived at south ampton for the purpose of captureing
the Norhville. this government has notafied Both ships that
when one leaves the other must remain twenty four hours

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and she has placed her War Vessels to force obedience
to there orders. the Privateteur sumpter was at Cadiz
in Spain a few Days ago and is expected at southampton
soon. I think the prospect is good for a miyss[ion] on this side
soon. it is rumored here that Parliament will acknowledge
the southern government soon after its opening. I am
sure the south is gaining influence in this country
also in france. the sinking of the stone fleet in the
mouth of Charleston Harbour has created a universal
feeling of Disgust against the united states government
I hardly need to mention these matters for if you get the
papers from here you will learn all these and many
other matters the Prospect is good for a large emigration
this year the number I can not state but br Cannon
will if he has not already Done so, furnish the Presidency
the Saints are awake to this subject, probablly more fully
than here-to-fore as all begin to see the Blackness and
Darkness that is gathering in the Political Horizon of
all nations which must soon burst upon the world
many begin to think that the kingdom God is the
safeest Place, and would like to fe^l^ee to it. I some
times fear that we will get many that care little for
the truth, but again I well remember that such [illegible]
are always slideing out at all the loopholes, which
keeps them on the move. all this is right the

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Lord will gather the good into his garners and the bad
will be cast away. we had a conference of the Elders in
England Ireland scotland and Wales. at Birmingham
commenceing on the first Day of this month and ended on the
sixth on sunday it was a Destrict meting held in the
odd fellows Hall, which was crowded as long as any could
find room to stand supposed to be near two thousand. we
had thr^e^ee metings During the Day each adresed in turn
By Br Lyman Cannon and my self we all felt great
liberty in speaking and the Best of attention our conference
was a good one and I have no Doubt will result in much
good Both to the Elders and Saints generally.

Br Lyman and Cannon left this morning to attend a
conference at Norwich to morrow. they will return
the fore part of next week the Brethren from the Valley
are Generally well and Doing firstrate. I wrote to
the President Young last week. I ^am^ glad to hear of your
Peace and Prosperity in the Valleys I love our mountain
home if Posible more than ever for it is the only Place
on earth that I know of where God and his Laws is respected
I shall feel thankful when I am permited to mingle with the
saints. your self and family will acept my love
please give my love to Prest Young, Kimball, and Wells, and
the twelve, ^the^ Clerks and finally all. ever praying
the Lord to Bless you and all Israel I remain
your Brother in the Gospel

Charles C. Rich

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C C Rich
Jan 18 1862
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