all right, and the Savings Bank has been
instructed to forward his money to his .
Your instructions concerning the care to
be used in the revission of the Book of Mormon
secureing the best native talant for the purpose,
will be strictly carried out.
We are thankfull to be able to announce to you
that they are now ready to com^m^ence on the revis-
sion haveing just finished the translation for
the first time, in which they have been greatly
blessed of the Lord.
We rejoice much to learn of the frequent
meetings of the Apostles, and of the good health,
and spirits they are in possession of.
On the 11th inst I had the pleasure of
meeting Elders , Joseph. L. Mecham
, and on their arrival at after
a plesent voige all in the injoyment of good
health they have been appointed to labor as follows
Angas T. Wright in the , Joseph Mecham
in , Joseph. T. Waldron
all right, and the Savings Bank has been
instructed to forward his money to his .
Your instructions concerning the care to
be used in the revission of the Book of Mormon
secureing the best native talant for the purpose,
will be strictly carried out.
We are thankfull to be able to announce to you
that they are now ready to commence on the revission haveing just finished the translation for
the first time, in which they have been greatly
blessed of the Lord.
We rejoice much to learn of the frequent
meetings of the Apostles, and of the good health,
and spirits they are in possession of.
On the 11th inst I had the pleasure of
meeting Elders , Joseph. L. Mecham
, and on their arrival at after
a plesent voige all in the injoyment of good
health they have been appointed to labor as follows
Angas T. Wright in the , Joseph Mecham
in , Joseph. T. Waldron