Letter from Hugo Dewald, 27 November 1889 [LE-12376]

Document Transcript

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Commune Aviano.
Provinzia Friul. Upper Italy

Reverend first President and Head of
the Church of Jesus Christ.

Electrified by the deep philosophical
thruth's of your religious system, especially
in the spirit of the genial "Pratt," I would
desire today (although a Catholic at present)
to be batized ^into^ and to unite myself with
the Church of J. C. of L. D. Saints.

I am 28 years of age, unmarried, the
son of a pretty somewhat wealthy pair of
people of the middle classes, who are yet living.
I am from Pressburg, Hungary, and in
consequence of the circumstances of my parents,
as also in consequence of a considerable
heirship, which fell to me 5 years ago, I
have been living entirely independent. This
independency I have used to train my
mind systematically and store with
universal knowledge.

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I have put away all foolish nonsense
of life and have retired into an Italian
village, called Giais-Selva, where the suitable
climate for orchards and the raising of fruit,
as also the utter retirement from the noise
of the world, corresponds with my feelings, and
where I have obtained my own property.
Here, at the foot of the Venetian Alps—only
surrounded by peasants, I have found, that
the spirit of man gains that freshness and
strength necessary to distinguish Truth from Error.
To be short, I can say that the Church of Jesus
Christ of L. D. Saints is the only true religion
for humanity in this time and age of the world,
that ^said^ Church must be victorious in the end and
I can foresee that the time is not far, when
she will come out conqueror over the Gentiles.
I have the plan or scheme, to work here
in Europe, here on my estate, quietly in the
interests of the Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. Saints,
and do that work with the power ^strength^ of all my
reasoning powers and spirit.

I am acquainted with the European ways,
and I know, that especially in ^among^ the peaseantry

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there would be many, who would join this
Church. There are also in Europe many
nice poor children—(I could and would
adopt many.) my estate is large enough,
that many could live therein, food and
plain clothing costs not much; I would
bring them up in the spirit of the Latter day
Saints, would teach them in horticulture and
farming—in short, I would in a quiet and
practical way work for the ^interests of the^ Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter day Saints.

My residence is closed to everybody, I live
with an adopted child and one who shares
my ideas, entirely secluded; we produce for
ourselves everything necessary, and allow not
even a Servant (neither male nor female)
in the house, in order that we way live so,
as we choose to do.

It is a disgrace for the so called Republic
of North America ^to persecute^ the Church of J. C. of L. D. S.
so unjustly and to the detriment of all humanity.
If the Gentiles did not fear so much the
conquering power of Truth and Reason, they
would not have persecuted the Church of J. C.
of L. D. Saints so much and in such a manner,
as to defy all sense of justice.

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How many Spirits are waiting, to clothe themselves
with mortality! oh what a Sinner am I,
to be 28 years old, and have not yet been
married, and brought forth an ofspring.
Like a heavy weight lays this sin upon
my soul, and I realize that, although perfectly
healthy, I am just as likely to be swept
away from life by an accident, and then
be doomed to live alone through the
immeasurable spaces of the creations.
In asmuch as I am healthy, well build
and young, I could have had many chances
to marry a Gentile girl, but I am very
careful, and fcomparatively speaking well
experienced for my age, and know, that
habit and education make inextinguishable
marks upon mankind. Even a young
Gentile girl of 17 or 18 years is so educated
in the ways of the Gentiles, that it might be
impossible for me, as husband even, to convert
her to the Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. Saints,
and if I would undertake to labor here in
Europe in the interests of said Church,

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such a spouse might even turn a Traitor,
and in that case the laws of Europe would
place power into her hands, to make it
mighty uncomfortable for me. Consequently
there are only two ways, either to adopt
a little girl ^without relatives,^ about 4 or 5 years, and bring
her up entirely excluded from all outside
controlle entirely in the spirit of the Church
of J. C. of L. D. Saints, and then, when arrived
at the suitable age, to be "sealed together,"
or else I would have to marry a girl
raised in Salt Lake City or in Utah, (or
two or three of them.)

I am fully convinced of the doctrine
of plurality, and after my emigration to
Utah and after my baptism into the Church,
(should it ever meet with your consent,
most Reverend President,) I would not hesitate
to form a plurality in celestial marriage.
Here in Europe I pass as a German, residing
in Italy, in a village, entirely stranger to
everybody—nobody ^would^ knows anything about
my family affairs, and my wives in that

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case would pass as relatives, cousins etc.
and you could depend on full secretiveness
on my part.

Perhaps it would be advisable for you to
send to my residence one of your Swiss Missionaries,
so I could talk with him.

If it would be ^deemed^ advisable, I could come
at my own expense next Summer to Utah
and present myself to you, and I could
return after some months stay to Europe.
Should my proposed missionary labors
prove a failure, I could sell my estate
in Italy to emigrate for good to Utah.

Excuse me, Reverend Sir, I have poured
out my soul to you with enthusiasm and

On account of the importance of this
affair I beg you speedily for an answer
(please translate in the German language.)
My Photograph as also a Photograph
of my residence and surroundings I have
taken the liberty to inclose, perhaps it
might be, that it may become the

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central point of a mighty lever
in advancing the interests of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints.

With deepest respect and devotion

Hugo Dewald

Giais-Selva. Comune Aviano.
vicino Pordenonne
Provinzia Friul

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Hugo Dewald
27 Nov. 1889