Letter from George Woodard, 11 December 1889 [LE-12351]

Document Transcript

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sent Chamber of
Commerce Pamphlet
& short note.

Denver Colo
Dec 11 [18]89

Mr. President

Sir! Will
you please answer
me a few questions

I am a contractor
from Omaha where I
can give you all the
refferrences of any kind
you wish. What kind
of clay have you for
makeing brick and
how close to the city
and what is the price
of coal. What is the
price of common

Page 2

lengths of dimension
and finish lumber
What are the wages of
brick masons & carpenters
as well as laborers, this
tells the supply.

Send me a small
map of city if you
have one, with answers,
and I will remit by
return mail besides be
ever so much ablige

Can one get any
concesians by establishing
a good brick yard

Frat. I am
yours resp

Geo Woodard

1217—20st Denver Colo
Room 3

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Please answer

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John Woodard
11 Dec. 1889