Letter from William Claude Clive, 8 December 1892 [LE-13794]

Document Transcript

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Salt Lake City

President Wilford Woodruff
Dear Bro

There is considerable friction at
present among musicians of Salt Lake City
on account of members of the Musical Union
refusing to play with non-members in
Orchestras, Bands or Concert Orchestras.
I make music my Profession and depend
upon it for my support, would like to know
wether you think it advisable for members
of the Church to join the union

Your Bro

W. C. Clive
45 South, 1st West St
Salt Lake City

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W. C. Clive
Dec. 8 [18]92.

Page 3

Out of Tune.

There are rumors of war in local musical
circles, but as yet hostilities are confined
threats, insinuations and prophecies. The
prospective beligerants are the Salt Lake
Theatre orchestra and the Musicians Pro-
tective union. The union now has a mem-
bership of about 125, and the officers claim
that the members of the orchestra are
about the only musicians in the city who
have not come into the fold. The Duff
Opera company will play an engagement at
the theatre this week and it is stated the
orchestra will have to be enlarged for the
occasion. The union officers say no mem-
ber of the union will be permitted to play
and there are on other available musicians
in the city.

Mr. Burton treats the matter very lightly
and says he does not know yet that he will
be required to increase his orchestra, but if
it is necessary he anticipates no trouble.
It is a matter of no concern to him whether
the members of his orchestra join the
union or not.