Letter from Arthur Stayner, 5 January 1891


Letter from Arthur Stayner, 5 January 1891
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    OFFICE OF THE UTAH SUGAR CO., P. O. BOX 499. Secretary's Department. Salt Lake City, Utah, Jany 5 1891 Presidents Wilford Woodruff, Geo. Q. Cannon & Joseph F. Smith: Dear Brethren: I respectfully ask for your consent to my carrying out the following plan: I intend to form a company of $350,000 consisting of seven shares of $50,000 each. This company will be formed upon this basis; take out small dividends and allow the reserved profits to be used as Capital ...
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    OFFICE OF THE UTAH SUGAR CO., P. O. BOX 499. Secretary's Department. Salt Lake City, Utah, 18 will build a third factory the third year and the fourth year the three factories will build one if not two factories. The four factories the fifth year will build two more making six and the sixth year the six will build three making nine factories. Thus in 1891 one factory pay 10% = 340,000 1892 two [factory pay ...
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    OFFICE OF THE UTAH SUGAR CO., P. O. BOX 499. Secretary's Department. Salt Lake City, Utah, 18 This is no wild scheme, it is perfectly feasible and easy of solution. I had hoped to have been able to carry it out with the home company as a nucleus, but I plainly see that I have no oppor- tunity of doing so, therefore am compelled to seek new associations for the purpose. I have already secured some capital in this direction with the understanding that I be a partner to the extent of ...
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    5 Jan. 1891. A. Stayner.