Man of a Higher Priesthood then He would her But Even
A man Holding the office of a deacon may magnify that
calling so that he would be more worthy & have a higher
Exaltation than many High Priest it is not so much the office
a Man Holds as it is of the magnifying of that portion of the
office He does hold. Some ordinances cannot Be given without
A temple All children Born Before Parents are sealed to the
Altar will have to be sealed to their Parents in order to make them
Legal heirs those who are Born after the parents are sealed are legal
heirs. Man also will have to be sealed to Man untill the chain is united
from Father Adam down to the last saint this will be the work of the
Millennium & Joseph Smith will be the Man to attend to it or to dictate
it He will not administer in person But He will receive his resurrected
Body & will dictate to those who dwell in the flesh & tell what
is to be done for He is the LastProphet who is called to lay the
foundation of the great Last dispensation of the fullness of times
some have thought it strange what I have said concerning Adam
But the period will come when this people of faithful will be willing
to adopt Joseph Smith as their prophet seer Revelator & God But not
the father of their spirits for that was our Father Adam Many
questions are asked about divorces I will say that many men
& women want to be sealed that should not be for they will not stay
together. But if I was to stop it there would be a fulss now what is
to be done they will be sealed & then they will separate some
give them Bills of divorce I charge Nothing for sealing But
I charge $10 for Bills of divorce if they will Break the comma-
ndments & makemeBreakthem they shall Pay $10 for [it] President Joseph Young asked President Young if He was Justified in giving
these Bills of Divorce President Young says yes I am I do not force
them to separate I give them good council & tell them what to do
No man has a right to put away a wife Except for adultry But
when a woman will leave a man against his will He does not
not put her away; but she puts herself away & he that Marries
her commits adultery as Jesus says. I am Justified in giving
these Bills of Divorce for they will separate against my council
& the woman othertakes the responsibility upon herself & not me
Dec 11, 1869
Man of a Higher Priesthood then He would her But Even
A man Holding the office of a deacon may magnify that
calling so that he would be more worthy & have a higher
Exaltation than many High Priest it is not so much the office
a Man Holds as it is of the magnifying of that portion of the
office He does hold. Some ordinances cannot Be given without
A temple All children Born Before Parents are sealed to the
Altar will have to be sealed to their Parents in order to make them
Legal heirs those who are Born after the parents are sealed are legal
heirs. Man also will have to be sealed to Man untill the chain is united
from Father Adam down to the last saint this will be the work of the
Millennium & Joseph Smith will be the Man to attend to it or to dictate
it He will not administer in person But He will receive his resurrected
Body & will dictate to those who dwell in the flesh & tell what
is to be done for He is the LastProphet who is called to lay the
foundation of the great Last dispensation of the fullness of times
some have thought it strange what I have said concerning Adam
But the period will come when this people of faithful will be willing
to adopt Joseph Smith as their prophet seer Revelator & God But not
the father of their spirits for that was our Father Adam Many
questions are asked about divorces I will say that many men
& women want to be sealed that should not be for they will not stay
together. But if I was to stop it there would be a fuss now what is
to be done they will be sealed & then they will separate some
give them Bills of divorce I charge Nothing for sealing But
I charge $10 for Bills of divorce if they will Break the commandments & makemeBreakthem they shall Pay $10 for it President
Joseph Young asked President Young if He was Justified in giving
these Bills of Divorce President Young says yes I am I do not force
them to separate I give them good council & tell them what to do
No man has a right to put away a wife Except for adultry But
when a woman will leave a man against his will He does not
not put her away; but she puts herself away & he that Marries
her commits adultery as Jesus says. I am Justified in giving
these Bills of Divorce for they will separate against my council
& the womantakes the responsibility upon herself & not me
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," December 11, 1869, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed September 21, 2024,