Having received,
read, and contemplated your let-
ter of July 15th, I will now proceed
to answer it.
I am proud and
happy to know that I am cou-
nted worthy to be an embassador
for Christ, to those who know
not of him, nor the work which
we are doing in his name. And,
the only obstacle that now pre-
sents itself is the lack of means
to prepare myself to start; but,
by a continueous effort and the
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blessings of the Lord, I will, ere
the 10 of November arrives, ^be^ all pre-
pared and at the Historians
office awating your will.
Asking your
prayers, and the blessings of the
Lord in my behalf.
We heartily endorse Brother
Charles G. Y. Higgins, as a worthy
young man, to fill a mission
to the South Western States
Respectfully your Brother James Andrus Bishop st George
By T P Cottam 2nd C[ounselo]r.