Letter from George Christian Riser, 9 January 1889


Letter from George Christian Riser, 9 January 1889
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    Salt Lake City Jan – 9th 1889 Presedent Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother! If I were not driven to the nesesity of laying before you my distressed circumstances, I certianly would not attempt to do so! in consequence of loosing my house in the 16th Ward about 11 years ago To attempt to explain to you on paper would be rather difficult and wearesome how this came about! Since that time I have been obliged to carry on my little business without means, in fact I have been ...
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    a loan say about $400 dollars $100 of it I think I could use in G. Z. office orders. I have ^ben^ offered a small pice of a Lot in Springvill by an old Frind, on easy terms, where I could built a Shop to commence a little business. I am informed that I could rent a House for my little Family at a cheap figure without burdineng you fourther with my havy trubles. I will close with a prayer that I may git a favorable answer at ...