Letter to Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff, 13 July 1840 [LE-17578]

Document Transcript

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Man[chester] [page torn] England

My Dear Phebe

^Date May 9th to 25^ yesterday I recevd your long interesting letter
which I was truly happy to receevd, was sorrow to hear of the sickness
of the little babe, feel thankful that his life was spard, & pray god
to preserve you & the children from the power of the destroyer untill
my return. I feel much for you Phebe & nothing but the
great work of the Almighty in the vineyard hindereth me from
embracing you spedily. I know your sufferings are many &
sacrafices great, but try to bear these things a little ^longer^ & I will
return to you We are laying the foundation of a great &
mighty work in Europe so that when We return I trust we can
spend a length of time with our families. I am going this afternoon
to Herefordshire to spend a few days in counciling the Saints about
going to America & then I shall go direct to London. it will
probably be some months before this line will fall into your
hands. as I expect you will receive it with a small parsel of
goods which I expect will be conveyed to you by Elder Turley
I did not have an opportunity of sending any thing to you by the
other compa[n]y that went over But I will send several parsels
by Elder Turley to you. Such things as I think you may
need I shall also send you some money. I have Been to the Store to
day & bought you the following articles which you will find in the ^a^
bundle to which this letter is attached. A vary nise dress for Phebe &
lineing for the same, I dont know how you will like the figure but
I did the best I could. A dress & lineing for Sarah Emma seeing it is her
birth day & that she is two years old. I did not know what to get for Willford. so
I bought 4 yards of soft nise flannel use it for him or yourself or any thing els you plese
2 gause vails to do with as you please the following is a Bill of the articles

5 1/2 Yrds fine Saxony for ^P.W.W.^ dress 2/8 - 14. 8
[Plaid] Lining dress for Sarah - 1 - 9
5 - yards lining for P.W. dress 3/2 1 62
2 do lining for Sarah dress 4 - 0 8
3/4 do - 9 - 0 6 1/2 -
4 yards fine flannel 1/2 4 10
2 veils - 1/ £. 1. 4. 11 1/2 -

I suppose these articles would have cost three time the amont
in the U.S. I shall send you other parcels & shall send
you an acont of them I shall send you a small
Hymn Book with your name on it & also several
caps from Manchester. that you may be deliverd from
sickness & death & want is my prayer W. Woodruff

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Mrs. Phebe W. Woodruff
Montrose, Lee County,
Ioway, Territory,
United States.

Willford Woodruff July 14th 1840
Manchester England