Religious - Sayings and Writings, July 1894


Religious - Sayings and Writings, July 1894

Document Source

Church History Library of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
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    SAYINGS AND WRITINGS OF PREST. WOODRUFF.* 1. "JOSEPH SMITH left as strong a testimony as was ever given to the human family, and sealed that testi- mony with his own life and blood." 2. "We are laying a foundation while in the days of our youth for a character which will decide our des- tiny throughout all time and eternity either for good or evil." 3. "All the prophets both ancient and modern, together with all the holy angels, are anxiously watching this work." 4. "We all have our agency to choose ...
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    His angels charge concerning us and they do all in their power for our salvation." 15. In the testimony of a life- time addressed to the Y.M.M.I.A. he said: "I have confidence in you to believe that you will qualify your- selves for the great duty and work that lie before you." After tonight may he feel the same confidence in the young ladies. 16. "This work depends on no man or set of men; God can and will fill any man's place who ...