Letter from Edward Partridge, b. 1833, 17 April 1856 [LE-1806]

Document Transcript

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Palawai Lanai S. Islands

Brother Woodruff

Dear Sir,

Your letter of Dec. 25th /55
I received the 30th of last month, and was both pleased and
interested by the same, a letter from the mountain home of the
Saints is hi always highly prized and duly appreciated by us
who are obliged to labor for a season on foreign lands. We do
not find much to cheer us—aside from preforming our duty
except what comes from Utah, for in Utah is all we hold dear
on earth; her associations are dear to our hearts. We feel to rejoice
when we hear of her prosperity but sad when we here of her calamities

Our conference of foreign Elders commenced on the 6th inst.
and held four days, after which the Brethren again seperated and
went to their respected fields of labor. My field for the next six
months is on this Island (Lanai) to preside over the Saints who
have gathered to this place. A good feeling attended our confe-
rence—all was peace and harmony, each one appeared to be
edified and strengthened, and to feel determined to use every exertion
possible for the rolling forth of the cause of Truth on these
Islands, and for the downfall of Priestcraft, error & wickedness.

A perfect unity of sentiment was manifest throughout all
our actions, each one felt well and appeared to enjoy a good
degree of the Holy Spirit, it was a time long to be remembered
by those who were there. No one can tell realise the feelings
that animate our breasts when we meet together after being
seperated for six or eight months upon these Islands except
those who have ^been^ passed through been placed in similar sircu-
mstances, a more united band is not often met with, all
manifested a willingness to abide counsel, go where
they were sent and do what the were told to the best of
there ability, without grumbling or finding fault.

The reports at this Conference show a decrease
in numbers since last conference this is not however in
consequence of any material decrease in the work, of recent date.

[sideways text] Lanai Apl 17/56
Ed. Partridge to W Woodruff [end of sideways text]

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but we have been triming up a little—cutting off some of the
dry branches—& clearing away some of the rubbish which is
only calculated to cumber the ground. Some who had been
baptised we were unable to get any clue to whatever. They are
so unsettled in their habits & are so continualy on the move
from one Island to another that it is very difficult to keep
track of them

For the last few months there has been but little
interest manifested on these lands in regard to mormonism yet
at places we have succeeded in awakening some interest among
the people, but I think probably the great excitment is past, for
mormonism is becoming pretty much of an old story. Almost
anything new or strange will engage the interests of this people
but the excitement soon wears off, when they again fall into their
accostomed lethergy untill something else comes along to
arouse their sleeping faculties.

The gathering has went on but slowly in consequence of the
crops being cut off by worms, the past winter has been uncommonly
dry, so that between the worms and the drought there will be
but very little rained on this place this season.

The debts of the mission have been considerably lightened since
last conference but are not entirely liquidated, the failure of
the crops & other circumstances have rather been against us, but
yet the Lord has been mindfull of us, and opened up the way before
us in an unexpected manner, and I have no doubt but all will
come out right. The Saints at this place feel well—better than
at any other place where I have been on the Islands, but the best
of them have many weaknesses and often times a person's patience
is tried with them. When we get them into meeting they will feel first
rate, one would think they could never intentionly do ^anything^ wrong, but they
soon forget all that was told them, which makes it necessary to
continue to tell them what is right and use the patience of a Job.

With sentiments of great respect and prayers for your wellfare
I subscribe myself yours in the bonds of the Covenant

E. Partridge

P.S. Inclosed I send a note to Mother which you will confer a favor by sending to her E. P.