Letter to Zina D. Young, 16 September 1887


Letter to Zina D. Young, 16 September 1887
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    September 16 [188]7 Mrs Zina D. H Young, Dear Sister: Your letter of sepr 15th has been received and perused with much interest and pleasure. I am glad to know that you are able, walso willing to cdevote your time and talents in the interest of God's work here upon the earth—in visiting with and raising your voice in counsel among your Sisters in the various settlements in Zion. In regard to your making a visit to the Saints who are located over the line in the Domin- ion of
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    Your presence will be a comfort to Sister Zina, and give her as also yourself much joy, and will be a pleasant visitation to the Saints who have settled in that land, under their present peculiar circumstances. We feel to ask the blessings of the Lord to attend you in your journeyings; that you may be preserved from all harm and evil of every kind, and that you may be enabled to minister to the wants of these whom you shall meet at your journeys end, and When you ...