Legal - Oswego County Land Deed, 15 June 1832 [L-25]

Document Transcript

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WARRANTY DEED—Printed and Sold by William Williams, Utah

This Indenture, made the Between
Rudolph Banner and Elizabeth his wife of the Town and County of Oswego
and State of New York of the first part, and
Wilford Woodruff Azmon Woodruff and Ozem T Woodruff of the second part,
Witnesseth, That the said parties of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of
two hundred and sixty four dollars and fifty seven cents
to them in hand paid by the said parties of the second part, the
receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold, remised, released, aliened, and
confirmed: and by these presents, do grant, bargain, sell, remise, release, alien, and confirm, unto
the said parties of the second part, in their actual possession now being, and to their heirs
and assigns for ever, all That certain piece or parcel of Land situate lying and being
in the Town of Richland in the County of Oswego and known and distinguished
as part of Lot Number seventy in Township Number twenty one in Scriba's Patent,
Beginning at the northwest corner of said Lot and runs from thence South
twenty one degrees West along the West bounds thirty six chains to the South west
corner of said Lot, thence South sixty nine degrees East along the South bounds
thirty six chains seventy five links to the South East corner of said Lot, thence
North twenty one degrees East along the east bounds of said ^Lot^ two chains eighty-
eight links, thence North sixty nine degrees West on a line parallel to the South
bounds four chains fifty two links to the centre of the Highway, thence along said

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in the Town of Richland in the County of Oswego and known and distinguished
as part of Lot Number seventy in Township Number twenty one in Scriba's Patent.
Beginning at the northwest corner of said Lot and runs from thence South
twenty one degrees West along the West bounds thirty six chains to the Southwest
corner of said Lot, thence South sixty nine degrees East along the South bounds
thirty six chains seventy five links to the South East corner of said Lot, thence
North twenty one degrees East along the east bounds of said ^Lot^ two chains eighty-
eight links, thence North sixty nine degrees West on a line parallel to the South
bounds four chains fifty two links to the centre of the Highway, thence along said
Highway North sixty degrees West sixteen chains, thence North nineteen degrees
thirty minutes West millegible [page torn] chains seventy five links, then North thirty seven degrees West
five chains fifty links, thence South sixty degrees West one chain eighty seven links to
the centre of Grindstone Creek, thence down said Creek agreable to the windings
and turnings and in the centre thereof sixteen chains ten links to the north line
of said Lot, thence North sixty nine degrees West along said north line one chain
seven links to the place of beginning; containing sixty seven acres and thirty four
one hundredths of an acre be the same more or less.

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five chains fifty links, thence South sixty degrees West one chain eighty seven links to
the centre of Grindstone Creek, thence down said Creek agreable to the windings
and turnings and in the centre thereof sixteen chains ten links to the North line
of said Lot, thence North sixty nine degrees West along said North line one chain
seven links to the place of beginning; containing sixty seven acres and thirty four
one hundredths of an acre be the same more or less.

Together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in
any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and
profits thereof; and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim, and demand whatsoever, of the said
parties of the first party either in law or equity, of, in, and to the above bargained premises, with
the hereditaments and appurtenances. To have and to hold the said premises above mentioned
and described
to the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns, to the sole and only proper use,
benefit, and behoof of the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns, for ever.

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And the said Rudolph Banner and Elizabeth his Wife parties
of the first part, for themselves their heirs, executors, and administrators,
do covenant, grant, bargain, promise, and agree, to and with the said parties of the second
part, their heirs and assigns, the above bargained premises, and every part and parcel thereof,
in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said parties of the second part, their heirs and
assigns, against all and every person or persons, lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part
of the said premises, will for ever Warrant and Defend.

In Witness Whereof, the said parties of the first part, have hereunto set their hands
and seals the day and year first above written.


J Turrill

R Banner

Elisabeth Banner

State of New York Oswego county js: Be it remembered that on
this fifteenth day of June 1832 personally appeared before me Rudolph
Bunner and Elizabeth his wife to me Known to be the same persons des-
cribed in and who executed the written deed and severally acknowledged
that they executed the same for the use and purposes therein mentioned
and the said Elizabeth being examined by me seperate and a part
from has said acknowledged that the executed the same without any force
or compulsion of or from her said husband There being no alterations
let the same be rendered J Turrill First Judge of

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Elisabeth Banner

State of New York Oswego county js: Be it remembered that on
the fifteenth day of June 1832 personally appeared before me Rudolph
and Elizabeth his wife to me Known to be the same persons des-
scribed in and who executed the written deed and severally acknowledged
that they executed the same for the uses and purposes therein mentioned
and the said Elizabeth being examined by me seperate and a part
from has said acknowledged that she executed the same without any force
or compulsion of or from her said husband There being no alterations
let the same be rendered. J Turrill First Judge of
Oswego county courts

Rudolph Banner &
Elizabeth his wife
Wilford Woodruff
Azmon Woodruff &
Ozem T Woodruff


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Rudolph Banner &
Elizabeth his wife
Wilford Woodruff
Azmon Woodruff &
Ozem T Woodruff


Clerks Office
Oswego County ss

June 15th 1832 at 2 Oclock P. M
in Siber N of deeds pages
187 &. 188

D. M. Thuson
Dep. Clk

fees 7lb