Methodist says you can have grace to day, fall
from it to morrow, next day have grace again & so
follow it, but the doctrin of the scriptures & the spirit of Elijah would show them both fals &
take a road between them both for according to the
scriptures if a man has receive the good word of
God & tasted of the powers of the world to come if
they shall fall away it is impossible to renew them
again, seeing they have crucified the Son of God
afresh & put him to an open frame shame, [Hebrews 6:4-6] so their
is a possibility of falling away you could not be
renewed again, & the power of Elijah cannont
seal against this sin, for this is a reserve made
in the seals & power of the priesthood. I will make
evry doctrin plain that I present & it shall stand
upon a firm bases And I am at the defianc of
the world for I will take shelter under the
broad shelter ^cover^ of the wings of the work in which
I am ingaged. it matters not to me if all hell boils
over I regard it ownly as I would the crackling
of thorns under a pot. A murderer, for instance
one that sheds innocent Blood cannot have
forgiveness. David sought repentance at the hand
of God carefully with tears but he could ownly
get it through Hell. he got a promise that his
soul should not be left in Hell. Although David
was a king he never did obtain the spirit & power
of Elijah & the fulness of the Priesthood, & the
priesthood that he received & the throne & kingdom
of David is to be taken from him & given to another
by the name of David in the last days raised up
out of his linage. Peter refered to the same
subject on the day of pentecost, but the multi-
tude did not get the endowment that Peter had
but several adays after the people asked what shall [Acts 2:25-38]
Methodist says you can have grace to day, fall
from it to morrow, next day have grace again & so
follow it, but the doctrin of the scriptures & the
spirit of Elijah would show them both fals &
take a road between them both for according to the
scriptures if a man has receive the good word of
God & tasted of the powers of the world to come if
they shall fall away it is impossible to renew them
again, seeing they have crucified the son of God
afresh & put him to an open shame, so their
is a possibility of falling away you could not be
renewed again, & the power of Elijah cannot
seal against this sin for this is a reserve made
in the seals & power of the priesthood, I will make
evry doctrin plain that I present & it shall stand
upon a firm bases And I am at the defiance of
the world for I will take shelter under the
broad cover of the wings of the work in which
I am ingaged, it matters not to me if all hell boils
over I regard it ownly as I would the crackling
of thorns under a pot. A murderer, for instance
one that sheds innocent blood cannot have
forgiveness. David sought repentance at the hand
of God carefully with tears but he could ownly
get it through Hell. he got a promise that his
soul should not be left in Hell. Although David
was a king he never did obtain the spirit & power
of Elijah & the fulness of the Priesthood, & the
priesthood that he received & the throne & kingdom
of David is to be taken from him & given to another
by the name of David in the last days raised up
out of his linage. Peter refered to the same
subject on the day of pentecost, but the multitude did not get the endowment that Peter had
but several days after the people asked what shall
"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," March 10, 1844, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025,