Letter to John Taylor and Council, 2 September 1879


Letter to John Taylor and Council, 2 September 1879
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    I Have thus given you a few names if there were ans many again I think they could be profitably employed upon this mission there are many who have been here whose names are not before me but perhaps Bro Snow or the Councill will be able to furnish names it seems to be that if these Brethren would Bring their Families it would tend to ga greater good as there is room in this country for many thousands of Laterday Saints to make Homes as ever I remain your Bro in the Everlasting Covt W [sideways ...
  • Page 2

    other indian tribes they also seem to possess minds capaciated to receive any principles of the Gospell eaqual to the Anglo Saxon race a Histry with full description of our journey I will send you Hereafter my object in writing you at this time is that we believe that the time Has come when mission- aries should be called who can speak the Spanish languge or will soon learn it to go forth among them to preach the Gospell & prepare them to fullfill their destiny in this ...