Sanborn & Carter S & E, Woodruff
Bills of Goods
Portland March 15 1850 Mr. W. Woodruff,
Bought of Sanborn & Carter No. 55 Exchange St.
Publishers & Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Stand- ard, School, Medical, Law, Theological, and Miscellaneous Book's, Book Binders Stock Paper and Stationary of every description.
March 9, 1850
Mr. W. Woodruff Bo[ough]t of Sanborn & Carter
Mr. W. Woodruff.
Bought of J. W. Blodget & Co. 19 Day of March 1850
Boston March 13 1850
Mr. W. Woodruff
Bought of Levi Bartlett & Co.
Boston March 13, 1850
Bought of S. Atherton & Co.
100 - 75.48 = 24.52
Boston March 13th 1850.
Mess. W. Woodruff
Bought of Fogg Brothers
Mr. W. Woodruff Bought Jas G. Hovey.
Pr. G. R. Spinney
Boston March 7th 1850 Mr. W. Woodruff Bought of Mellen & Co.
Mr. W. Woodruff Bought of Whittier & Sweetser
100 - 56.50 = 43.50
Boston March 19 1850 Mr. W. Woodruff Bought of Prescott Brothers
Boston March 12, 1850 Mr. Wilford Woodruff. Bought of Chas. Scudder & Co.
Charles Scudder & Co
Boston March 7, 1850 Mr W. Woodruff, Bought of Newton Eaton & Co
615.33 + 616.00
March 12, 1850.
Mr. W. Woodruff Bo[ugh]t of Joseph Whitney & Co
Boston Mar 12, 1850
Mr. Wilford Woodruff. Bought of J. W. Blodget & Co. 9 day of March, 1850.
Sold by B. G. S. Ex'd by Mandell.
Sales 9 Page 41
Boston March 12, 1850
Mr. W. Woodruff Bo[ugh]t of Hue &c Mason
Bought of I & J O Neill.
1850, April 29th
Received Payment I & J ONeill.
Copy of Invoice of Goods
Bethlahem June 12th, 1850 Account of Goods sent to Salt Lake by Mr. Smoot
2 Kegs Nails by Mr Birds Birds Dr. To 2 chains 47th @ 11 $5.17
2 Kegs nails & 1 Box Soap by Mr. Cannon
4 Hp Boxes Glass by Luke Mr. Gallop [continues on next page]
2 Hf. Boxes Glass & Regs Nails by R. S. Ransom 300 lbs
2 Kegs nails & 2 Boxes Glass by Mr. Gardner to draw for 1/2 to S Lake
R. Petty 2 Box Books ^@ 82^ 4.50 3 Kegs Nails 300 lbs 1132 lbs
Mr. Gardner (Black Smith) 2 Kegs nails & 2 Hf. Boxes Glass to haul for 1/2 to Salt Lake Dr. To 25 lbs Sugar c. 10 $2.50
Sarah + Ema Woodroff Dr [debit] To