Letter from William H. Smart, 20 May 1890 [LE-39866]

Document Transcript

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W. H. Smart
(Recd. 23 May).

Logan, May, 20 [18]90.

Pres. Wilford Woodruff:

Dear Brother:

Please find en-
closed a letter from an
Armenian Bro. George
A. Vezirian
of Aintab,
Turkey. I thought it
might be interesting to
you to read a communica-
tion from that land.

This Bro. is one of the
few whom I met there
who seemed honest in
spiritual matters. He la-
bored zealously, during
our stay in Aintab, as
an interpreter of the prin-

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ciples of the gospel which
we explained to him.
His written sentiments,
I am pleased, reflect
still sincerity, and a de-
sire to be useful in
bringing about salvation
to souls.

He touches upon
points out of my juris-
diction to answer, and
as he is alone in a
far off land, I thought
it advisable to send
you his letter so that,
should you deem it
necessary, you could or-
der a letter written him.

Your humble servanet
in the gospel of Christ:
W. H. Smart.