The remaining months of
the year was spent by the
Twelve, after their return from
their successful mission in G
to Great Britain, in settling
their families in Nauvoo and
taking charge of the affairs of
the affairs Church. Several
noteworthy events took place at this
time among which were the
dedication of the baptismsmal font
in the Temple by the Prophet and
the Twelve and the first adminis-
trations of the ordinance of
During the following week
a company of about 200 Saints
arrived from England, and I was
now again in the midst of
hundreds whom I had baptized
in America, the "Islands of the Sea"
and England and Wales.
Page 3
Just before the Conference
the Prophet administered the
ordinance of rebaptism to the
church, baptizing many himself,
among whom were the Twelve,
who afterwards assisted him
in baptizing and confirming
the multitude. This was the
first time I was rebaptized. At since my andthe Prophet Joseph administered
the close of the administration
the Prophet lifted up his hands
to heaven and blessed the
people and the Spirit of
At the Conference
there were 275 ordained to
the office ^under the hands^ of Elders Brigham
Young, Heber C Kimball, Orson Pratt, Lyman Wight, Willard Richards, George A
Smith and Wilford Woodruff. off While these ordinations were
going on Elder John Taylor was
in the stand delivering a
discourse to the multitude,
while others ofthe Elders were
baptizing and confirming
at the font and elsewhere.
Page 5
On the I started
for St Louis to purchase a stock
of paper for the "Times & Seasons"
and arrived at St Louis. on
the after a very
uncomfortable voyage during
which I took a very severe
cold which settled into bilious