W. Woodruff wished to express his feelings. I consider it to be my duty to bear in a
few words my test[imony] this da[y]. while I have heard the remarks of my bro[ther] this morn[ing]
this is what Jesus s[ai]d anciently can not ye discern the signs of the times [Matthew 16:3]. if [yo]u cannot
it it is bec[ause] they walk in darkness. it [h]as sometimes been a mystery how the LDS
have been gov[erne]d, even when the P[rophet] was living. when they [h]av[e] taken awa[y] your illegible tell us
why they heed your counsel. it is not bec[ause] the P[rophet], S[eer] , & R[evelator] was here or gov[erne]d by a Rod of Iron
but bec[ause] they [h]av[e] [h]ad a deg[ree] of that li[gh]t & bec[ause] they have seen the hand of God. here
again we [h]av[e] only one dissenting voice. it is bec[ause] they see the Ke[y]s of the K[ingdom]. the
devil [h]as [h]ad [h]is da[y] & [h]ad [h]is dominion. the Ld God now ag[ai]n makes bare his arm
& restores the P[riesthood] of the order of Mel[chizedek] & Aaron & r calld to bear off the K[ingdom].—so man
shall glory in His presence—Moses s[ai]d wh an I that I sh[oul]d be called to lead the p[eo]pl[e] [Exodus 3:11]
the Ld God hath called men from the plow &c to round up their shoulders, in the
name of the Ld God they r able & will carry it off & God will fulfil his promises
I test[ify] that this work is of God & whil[e] I see the arm of God made bare & when I see
the d[evi]l trying to lead away the chil[dren] of men—men look upon the wrong side of the
qu[estion] & the 1st thing they see is they [a]r[e] gone they [a]r[e] on the brink of destr[u]c[tio]n—an I see men
turn to the rit & the left & I know that they r as the wa[y] to dam[nation] [FIGURE] when I see Shayism &
every other ism that is broken off from the prin[ciples] of truth, they go they way that o[ther]s [h]av[e] done,
& they will feel it & theyre is no o[the]r plan of Sal[vatio]n—I warn all men be careful of what
w[e] do for I tell [yo]u that as the L[or]d God lives the Sword is ab[ou]t to fall on the fall ^South^, they
[h]av[e] got to foot the bill & that is the reason why they [a]r[e] driving away the LDS that
they may be hidden up. unite with the p[eo]pl[e] that God [h]as chosen, it matters not
who it is moses or Joseph. I leave the consequence with God who is able to alld to his arm
his hand will go with his p[eo]pl[e] while those who oppress this p[eo]pl[e] shall be oppressed
with what measure they mete shall be meas[ure]d again. Why is all the South in arms ag[ain]s
the LDS bec[ause] they [a]r[e] stirred up by the devil. the hearts of men [a]r[e] moved upon lest
the S[ain]ts sho[ul]d rule. the L[or]d is now going to work to set up his work & will accomplish it—even
I see America cov[ere]d with cities, & begin to drive the S[ain]ts & shed their blood & refuse the cries of the
p[eo]pl[e] that [a]r[e] off[ere]d up to them, the die is casts their doom is seald & the LDS [a]r[e] not the only
p[eo]pl[e] that will suffer by a p[eo]pl[e] who profess Christianity. I ask if will they escape judg't
& escape their reward. I w[ould]d rather fall in the mire, & find a grave in the illegible of illegible
& said: I feel to withdraw my cit[izenship] from the nation. I wo[ul]d never manifest my
feelings in the nation. I will never vote for a P[resident] or a illegible or any one. worry not
the judg[men]ts [a]r[e] sure—the heavens [a]r[e] full of them & as the L[or]d God lives they will be
poured out on this nation, bear it patiently. J. C. came, the Jews rejected their
princ & cruc[ifie]d him. if they [a]r[e] exalted they [h]av[e] got to be exalted by the same Keys
that they [h]av[e] trodden under foot, altho they [h]av[e] killed Joseph Smith, they will
[h]av[e] something more to do with him, he will [h]av[e] something to do he will stand there &
judge that p[eo]pl[e] he will judge Carthage. Tho he is d[ea]d he lives—he is our
Senator there he is our Rep. there. it is time that the pra[ye]rs of the LDS shd
not be off[ere]d to this nation lest that place where there cries will be heard. let not
your heart faint, the greater your trial & affl[ictio]n &c the greater will be your
exalt[atio]n & bless this p[eo]pl[e]