Letter from Gertrude Whiteman, 20 April 1893 [LE-41779]

Document Transcript

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Collegiate Institute,
Salt Lake City,

President Woodruff.
Salt Lake City:

Dear Sir:

I may be asking a favor
which is entirely out of place, if
so please excuse me and re-
member I do not understand
your religious customs very well,
and assure you I do not wish to
violate a single rule or law of
any church; but I do very very
much desire to see the beautiful
new temple which you have erected
to our Father in heaven, and of which
I have heard so much. I, too am
trying to serve Him to the best of
my understanding of His Word.

I understand that some persons
of other faiths than your own, have

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had the pleasure & privilege of
seeing this beautiful temple, and
if it is not violating a rule of the
church, and if you can conscien-
tiously allow it, may I have the
pleasure of visiting it?

I am only a teacher and have
but few opportunities of seeing such
a beautiful specimen of Art.

If you are willing that I should
go, what must I do to gain an
entrance? May an associate
teacher, Miss Elizabeth Overstreet,
accompany me?

Yours very respectfully,
Gertrude Whiteman.
Collegiate Institute,
Salt Lake City.