Letter from Joseph Walter Dittrich, June 1890 [LE-12839]

Document Transcript

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Loveing affectionate Brother
President Woodruff

I say, to take down in writing
and will future never and
nowhere teach instruct contra-
ry direction the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints, also
still voyage of discovery (Was-
hington) i naught the Weakness
and sinfulness living alive or
defunct Mormonen through the
"Salt Lake City Intelligenz blatt,"
through pamphlet, Correspondenz
after Europe or through report
proposition, discourse.

Opposed to this one for ever
and for ever bind to promise
to Desire i only a Third, as
much as to me the County Li-
beral Committee and Episcopal,

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Presbyterian, and Methodist Church
directly too give ready being,
when i this "Salt Lake City In-
telligenz Blatt" to begin a work
will. Let us drop the matter!

What i to want and to desire
is the following manner:

an money-credit (payment in
part, after 12 month from to me
return of payment) of $1000 in
such manner, that i me "Intelli-
genz blatt" to continue can, save
that i the County Liberal Comittee
etc around Subscriptions, Ad-
vertisements or Money Advance
beseech must.

These $1000 will i naught upon
once times, at present only $400
and this $400 at once, because
i on account of me Subscribers
700 the newspaper appear let
must, and i every week $50 in

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the Printing-house the "Tribune"
pay for must. I will that the
Pressman Cost for 6-8 number con-
vered and below guarantee to exist.

The rest credit $600 will i
partial but just into need indi-
gency, when the Money Collect
this quarter of a year (Maiy Juniy
and July) no to suffice around the
Expense this next quarter (August
September and October) to pay for.


Entreaty i the ennoble Lord Presi-
dent Wodruff and the dignity of
a high-priest around forgiveness,
and request: this the primary
or essential force, and principle
axiom-maxim highly venerable
containing "Salt Lake City Intelli-
genz Blatt" all Mormon to Sub-
scription and Advertissement
to recommend, and the authenti-
cyte city (aproved quality) the Church

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of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints
along to propagate into all to
divide this Territorium Utah to

By this only become we one
another beuseful, one stipulation
(settlement) solid Phalanx oppo-
sed to Libeal Committee and Epis-
copal, Presbyterian, and Metho-
dist close (shut, lock) and thus
in confederacy Europes and
Amerikas one good Tuning fasten.

Only below this Fulfilling
(accomplishment) can i the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter day
Saints me above from speak
Promis give and hold.

No i, but the next neces-
sity the particulars and situati-
on (circumstance) dictate this
insensible Obligation.

To approve you the expres-

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sion of me high-esteem and


Joseph Walter-Dittrich

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Jos. W Dittrich