Letter from Phebe Amelia Woodruff, 30 October 1855 [LE-40341]

Document Transcript

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G S L City

Dear Father

I am glad I have the opportunity
of writing to you I hope you are well and I hope you will not work
your self to death because you will not do as the president said for you
to do if you do not stop working so much you know it is not right for you
to do so much work for you know that those that do not work so hard
get a long very well because they borrow of their neighbors what ever
they want to use if they can get it they canot get it they have to go
with out it as well as they can I think they might just as well buy
a cow as to keep beging for milk for milk all the time for tea
I am glad the presidend has appointed you to go on a mshion so that
you will not have to work so hard as you have done along back I hope
the weather will continue fine as it has been lately. Mother
thought of having me go with you to the Odgen conferance but
as Br Kington is sick and you will have to ^get^ a chance to go so I
do not much think of going with you this time but I should
lik to have Mother go but she thought she could not very well
leave home as it such a busy time but I hope you will have a
pleasant ride this time altho it is not so pleasant to have you
gone away from home still it is better than to have you so far
away ffrom home as england is so far across the Ocean and it would
be a long time before we could see you again but you have not

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been away from home much yet but it will tak you away
fron us a long time when you go to fillmore but not so long
as it would if you went to any of the distant countries I hope the
lord will bless you and let his holy spirit rest upon ^you^ all
the time

From your
affectionate dDaughter
Phebe A Wood^ruff^ru

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the First Letter of
Phebe A Wood[r]uff
to Her Father Oct 30 1855