Letter to Brigham Young, 6 June 1840 [LE-11647]

Document Transcript

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Dear Bro Brigham,

I sent you a line yesterday; but there were a
few itims that escaped my notice, Capt Bogart (Bogart) of
mob memory, has killed a man—ran away & 500$ is offered for him -
[Oho] - it is reported in the papers, says, 'Bro Holman, that the Indians are
ma[ke]ing sod house among the corn&horses of upper Missourie
& the inhabitants are much afraid & that the Indians are
making preparations for war to go against them &

"O, their end their dreadful end."

Gen 10 chap 9th verse

well among other things I was thinking of a bit of
an out & asked Bro Kington for 50 Stars to
take along with me—he examined and found he
could not spare one more than 40 Nos. Now if
Bro Pratt has any Millenial Stars on hand, I wish he
would send us 250 as quick as possible and if he
has not any ^that^ he would print some without delay—& I would
recommend, with the approbati[o]n of Bro Woodruff, that 100 copies
of each No be carefuly laid aside for the benefit of the Quorum [at]
the end of the release. There are regular carriers passing
Bro Kingtons weekly—from manchester, if you could find their office
I think you might send the papers cheaper - by them. please [d]o let
us know when the next paper is going to press.
I do hope some means will be devised to offod these paper for 6 pence [Yours] &. Willa[r]d Richa[r]ds

W. Woodruff

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Mr Brigham Young
Star office
149 Oldham Road

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June 3 Dymick 1840
W Woodruff
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