Religious - Admonition, 22 October 1881


Religious - Admonition, 22 October 1881

Document Source

Church History Library of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
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    Page 1. Oct 22nd 1881 In the perusal of the publications of the Day, I discover a Number of men who seem to be afflicted with the torm- ents of Hell & misery, and they belch forth the filth, and wrath, & indignation of their corrupt souls against the Latter Day Saints, because the God of Heaven has set his hand to esstablish his Kingdom & Zion upon the Earth and has raised up his prophet Joseph to preach the gospel of Christ, & hath organzed his Church upon the Earth and to administer in ...
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    WW {[illegible shorthand]}
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    Christian world. Jew and Gentile and all men that breath the life and that is That truth Eternal truth cannot be anhilated, cannot be Destroyed, it canot Die. The Law of God, Faith, hope, Charity. The gospel of Jesus Christ The Holy with all of its ordinances the Holy priesthood and the Law of God are Eternal Just immortal Eternal & ^&^ Everlasting, and they are as free & independent of the power of man, as the pillars of Heaven or the God Throne of God. Prisions cannot confine them, fire cannot burn them, the seas canot drown them ...
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    I wish the inhabitants of the Earth before they commence war against God & his Christ, his prophets, Apostles, Elders, & people would stop & reflect upon these solomn truths. When Jesus of Nathzareth the son of God, the saviour of the world the King of the Jews, came to Jerrusalem and offered the Gospel of Life & salvation to the Jewish Nations & to the world He was the most unpopular man in all Judea, when he cast up out Devils the cry of the priest was through Beelsebub the ...
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    Tabernacle, and not with standing He had been derided & spit upon and crowned with a crown of thorns & crusified ^By the High priest of Jerrusalem^ He now took upon himself his Immortal body & his power to rule & reign as king of king & Lord of Lords. He burst the tomb & the gates of death, and held the keys which gave him power over Death & Hell and was the first fruits of the Resurrection. He appeared in his Immortal body to the ...