Letter from Gottfried Eschler, 8 December 1889


Letter from Gottfried Eschler, 8 December 1889
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    [sideways text] Released until can arrange circumstances [end of sideways text] Gottfried Eschler Paris Idaho Dey 8th 1889 Prest. Wilford Woodruff. Dier Brother, In answer to your Letter or Call to go on a Mission to Swytzerland or Germany I will say: I consider it a Call from God and will go under all circumstances when I am called. I know it will be a Blessing to me, but will have to state my Circumstances I have been verry badly in Debt, but will ...
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    or at least verry little and I will have to call on my Bishop and the People generaly for assistance in Order to be able to go, and if I could have the Blessings of God attend my Labors here for another year I would be better prepared to go. If I look at it naturely it looks amllmost impossible for me to leave them my Famely the way I have to leave them, but will do accor- ding to your request and would not for any thing disobey your Council. Yours Obedeant Brother in Truth.