Letter from Joseph Angell Young, b. 1866, 6 May 1890 [LE-12824]

Document Transcript

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Salt Lake City

President Wilford Woodfruff.
Salt Lake City.

Dear Brother:

I have received
your notice that I have been
selected as a missionary;

My feelings in regard to the
same have always been, and
I pray may ever be, one of
willingness to respond chreeeer-
fully to the request at all times
to the Lord's servants.

At the same time I have al-
ways supposed I would go
to Europe, and have passed
through a slightly pre-
paratory course for such

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a mission. I have studied
the German language some, yet
not sufficiently to enable me to
speak it understand^ing^ly with
out more study, yet I have en
nough knowledge of it to very
quickly acquire the language
if thrown entirely among Ger-
man speaking people

I was also born at 42 Is-
lington, and earnestly desire to
visit England. There are
numerous other reasons that I
could give for requesting a
change from Somoa to Europe,
all probably more or less
selfish, yet I sincerely feel
that I could with God's bless-
ing, fill an honorable mission
in Germany or England.

There are, too, I do not question,

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many nmen who would pre-
fer going to Samoa than to
Europe, for I am satisfied that
missionaries meet with many
hardships and obstacles in Germany
not met with in Samoa, and which
will require prayer and humility
to overcome and defeat, yet with
God's blessing I prefer that mis-
sion. My father, Brigham Young
will explain more clearly probably
my reason for desireing a change
if you will speak to him.

Sorry for troubling you
to such a length.

I Remain

Your Obedient Ser-
vant and Brother
Joseph A. Young.

P. S. Understand
Brethren, that I will go
where you decide to send me.

Endorsed, as to facts.
O. F. Whitney

Bp 18th Ward

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Jos. A. Young
6 May 1890