& at last cut his own throat after reigning 13 years
7 months & 28 days. Galba next reigned 7 months &
lost his head. Otho took his place & was killed in
battle. Vespacsian was declaired emperor in AD 70 &
gave his son Titus command of the army that was
to lay siege to Jerrusalem, while John & Simon were
at war with each other in the city of Jerrusalem &
the roman army without, & the vengeance of God
from above the citiy was soon distroyed, the temple
not excepted, the number who perished in the
siege was above a million of souls & almost 100,000
led away catptive. Vespasion died a natural death
standing upon his feet. Titus Died from a fever a
little Distance from Rome. Domitian commenced
reigning AD 81, which was cruel & unmerciful he
was put to Death by Stephanus & succeded by Nerva
in AD 96, who Died of a fever after a reign of one year
four months & nine Days, he was succeded by Trajan
who has been noted for his perseverence in great under-
takings among which was the stupendeous work of build-
ing a bridge across the Danube, this amazing structure
consisting of twenty two arches a hundred & fifty
feet high & a hundred & seventy broad, the ruins of
this structure remain to this Day, & show modern
architects how far they were surpassed by the Ancients
both in the greatness & boldness of their Design. the chr-
istians suffered during his reign. Trajan died of
the apoplexy in AD 117 after a reign of 19 years 6 months
& 15 days. Trajan Column erected at Rome AD 114
after the reign of several others Maximin comm-
enced his reign in AD 235 this gigantic man was no less
than eight feet & a half high he had a body & strength
corresponding to his size, his strength was so great that
he was able to draw a carriage which two oxen could
not move. He could strike out a horse's teeth with a
blow of his fist & break his its thigh with a kick. He
genearally ate 40 pounds weight of flesh each day &
drank six gallons of wine, his guards finally slew him
with his son while they were asleep in their tent Constantine the great commenced his reign in AD 308
He united church & state & acknowledged Christianity
At about 60 years of age after reigning 30 years he
Died of the ague, but was baptized & received the sacramant just before his Death. The foregoing items
& at last cut his own throat after reigning 13 years
7 months & 28 days. Galba next reigned 7 months &
lost his head. Otho took his place & was killed in
battle. Vespasian was declaired emperor in AD 70 &
gave his son Titus command of the army that was
to lay siege to Jerrusalem, while John & Simon were
at war with each other in the city of Jerrusalem &
the roman army without, & the vengeance of God
from above the citiy was soon distroyed, the temple
not excepted, the number who perished in the
siege was above a million of souls & almost 100,000
led away captive. Vespasion died a natural death
standing upon his feet. Titus Died from a fever a
little Distance from Rome. Domitian commenced
reigning AD 81, which was cruel & unmerciful he
was put to Death by Stephanus & succeded by Nerva
in AD 96, who Died of a fever after a reign of one year
four months & nine Days, he was succeded by Trajan
who has been noted for his perseverence in great undertakings among which was the stupendeous work of building a bridge across the Danube, this amazing structure
consisting of twenty two arches a hundred & fifty
feet high & a hundred & seventy broad, the ruins of
this structure remain to this Day, & show modern
architects how far they were surpassed by the Ancients
both in the greatness & boldness of their Design. the christians suffered during his reign. Trajan died of
the apoplexy in AD 117 after a reign of 19 years 6 months
& 15 days. Trajan Column erected at Rome AD 114
after the reign of several others Maximin commenced his reign in AD 235 this gigantic man was no less
than eight feet & a half high he had a body & strength
corresponding to his size, his strength was so great that
he was able to draw a carriage which two oxen could
not move. He could strike out a horse's teeth with a
blow of his fist & break its thigh with a kick. He
generally ate 40 pounds weight of flesh each day &
drank six gallons of wine, his guards finally slew him
with his son while they were asleep in their tent
Constantine the great commenced his reign in AD 308
He united church & state & acknowledged Christianity
At about 60 years of age after reigning 30 years he
Died of the ague, but was baptized & received the
Sacramant just before his Death. The foregoing items
"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," March 6, 1841, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed December 9, 2024, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/RL0