Letter from William Budge, 7 November 1887 [LE-12113]

Document Transcript

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Paris, Idaho

President W Woodruff

Dear Bro

Bro E. L Burgoyne of Montpelier
called upon me yesterday, and desired me to write to you
in relation to himself and the mission to which he has
lately been called. He is an excellent young man, and
anxious to go, but his Father upon whom he has been
depending for his living thinks he cannot possably spare
him untill spring, as the young man has had the
care of stock and other interests that the father is not
familiar with. Bro Burgoyne—the father—is one of our
leading business men and although in his feelings and
sympathies he is with the church, does not live up to
his privileges in meny things, or he would make the
way open for his son to go, he promised however to let
him go in the spring. They had a rather serious altercation
over the matter yesterday morning, the Boy having it seems
sdeclared his intention to go anyway, but I told him
I would write to you, and perhaps you would think
it best for him to satay till spring and go with his
fathers good feelengs. A word from you addressed to
me on the subject at your earliest convenience will
much oblige

I remain
very respectfully
Your Bro
Wm Budge

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Wm Budge,
Paris, Idaho,