Letter to Asahel Hart Woodruff, 22 May 1877 [LE-2918]

Document Transcript

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St George

Dear Son Asahel

How do you get along
I would be glad to hear from you
and know what you are doing, and how
the crops look. How are the bees doing?
and how is the strawbury bed? and
orchard? how high is the wheat? how
much is sown? How is your Mothers
health? and the children How is uncle
Azmon & Elizabeth, does the watter
damage his lot this spring, This county
is much earlier than Salt Lake the
second crop of Lucern is in the blow
and will soon be cut but it is terrible
Hot here in midd summer I hope
you will write to me before long
and let me know how all is with
you do all you can to help your
Mother and the family

Your Affectionate Father

W Woodruff