Letter from David Spilsbury, 11 April 1898 [LE-16972]

Document Transcript

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David Spillsbury


Toquerville, Utah.
April 11th 1898.

Pres't Woodruff,
Dear Bro.

I received your letter
appointing me to the Eastern
States, to leave Salt Lake May 28th

In reply will say, if all is
well and the Lord will bless me
(and I know He will if I do that
which is required of me), I will
be there at the appointed time

At first I felt that I would
have to ask for a few months
time in which to prepare, but
after much reflection, and earnest
supplication, I have concluded
to go at the appointed time to
do all that I possibly can and
let the rest go; for I have

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learned that the "path of duty
is the path of safety."

If you had asked me 'when
it would be convenient for me
to go,' I certainly would have
asked for a few months time,
but inasmuch as you have made
the appointment I will do my
utmost to fill it.

I had my barn, stables and about
twenty (20) tons of hay burned last
December. I wish to put up
another barn; I have three (3)
small fields which I desire to
fence, and my house to plaster
and finish—all before I go—
so that my property may be
secure, and my family comfort-
able whilst I am absent.

With the blessings of God, I expect
to accomplish all this ere I depart,
and I have faith ^that^ the Lord will
open up my way, so that I
can accomplish that which
I so much desire to.

I earnestly ask your blessings
upon my labors so that I may
not fail.

In humility, I am Your
Brother in the Gospel

David Spilsbury
Toquerville, Washington Co.

P. S. I enclose a brief letter
to Elder W. C. Spence.
D. S.

Wm A Bringhurst.