Letter to Orson Pratt, 28 May 1856 [LE-1810]

Document Transcript

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Historian's Office,
Great Salt Lake City,

Dear Bror. O. Pratt,

As I commence my first letter in the Historian's Office,
I feel that you are the person that I should write to.

You may be aware that on Monday, the day before I parted with
you at the mouth of the Kanyon, that I had an ox die suddenly,
and in my endeavors to save the hide, while skinning it, I casually
scratched my left arm with a rib, and a few days afterwards the place
inflamed; a swelling rose on the spot, the poison virus got inoculated
into my system, which caused me 3 to 4 weeks' sickness, and which came
very near costing me my life. About the first labor on my recovering
so as to be able to get out of doors, was to be called up about midnight
on Thursday the 15th. inst to administer to your wife Sarah; I promised her
in the name of the Lord that all should be well with her and her child,
and she should be blest in her labor. In 15 minutes after she was
safely delivered of a very fine daughter, weighing 12 lbs. I have seen
her several times since, both she and her daughter are doing well.
I have now so far recovered from my sickness as to be able to attend
to business.

Eighteen days ago the mail arived from the East, being the first
news by way of the South Pass since last November; the Carrier only
brought in about one half of the bags sent from Independence [Using] that
line; the other half being cached somewhere between there and
here; perhaps left at Fort Laramie to amuse the U. S. soldiers with
our news and correspondence during the winter evenings.

The California mail has arrived pretty regularly this winter; by that
mail we receive the Western Standard, and letters from Bro Rich

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and the saints who are coming from the old countries, a sufficiency of
food for the next year.

Elder P. P. Pratt has again regained his health so far as to preach in
the Bowery last Sabbath; he has now gone on a mission to Utah County.

The Presidency and those of the Twelve who are here are enjoying
good health; they with the Council remember you in their prayers.

There are a few sick among us; among them Sister Mary Ann Young
and Mary Richards, who are a little easier to day.

Elder McCarthy, who was shipwrecked on one of the Society Islands
has baptized the interpreter to the King; he speaks 12 languages. Also
the interpreter to the Government Company, who speaks 5 languages. Bro.
McCarthy ordained them both Elders, and set them to preaching the
gospel in the midst of the people; so some good is growing out of his

[We received a very respectful letter by the last mail from Sir W. J.
, Director of the Royal Gardens Kew, about 20 miles from London,
it is directed to the secretary of the ]]Deseret Horticultural Society|Horticultural Society of Deseret]].
He wishes to open a correspondence with us, and obtain seeds and specimens
of our mountain productions such as trees, shrubs, flowers, cactus, or any
native vegetation of our country, and proffers to forward to us anything
their noble gardens produce. He has sent us a printed circular, and
written letter. Should you be passing through that part of the country, woud
it not be well for you to call and have an interview with him? it may open
a door whereby good may came forth unto Israel; at least he promises
and freely offers to forward to our order any of the products of Her
Majesty's gardens at Kew, and I presume that contains as great and
good a variety of fruits, flowers, and herbage as can be found in the

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and others. I am very much pleased with the appearance of the
Standard; it is ably conducted, and I think it will prove a benefit
to the Saints, and help to keep at bay some of our vile columniators
who will not be so bare faced in their attacks when they see we have
a paper that will defend our cause.

We learn by the late mails that there is much trouble in Oregon and
Washington Territories; the Indians are having it pretty much all their
own way. I am happy to say by recent articles from our missionaries
in East Oregon, that all is peace with them. Prest. Young has talked
of sending up about 14 Wagons to bring back loads of dried salmon to
help out the scanty supplies of food in this country. Bro C. C. Rich is also
making calculations to furnish some grain for this Territory in case we get
too tightly pinched; but we feel thankful to our Heavenly Father for his
gracious mercies in sending us a beautiful shower every week since Prest.
J. M. Grant spoke upon "the dry moon", and exhorted the brethren to exercise
faith for rain, which you may remember, when it commenced raining
while he was preaching. The past week has been very warm, and wheat
is running fast; many brethren are in high glee, and are calculating
to commence cutting wheat about the 20th of June. The cut worm is
devouring a portion of the wheat and corn crops. The peas are beginning
to bloom beautifully; the potatoes and other crops are growing fine. At
the same time we have the music of the gulls as they fly over our heads seeking
for grasshoppers, crickets, and other insects, but they find very few to feed
upon. There is a greater abundance of grass in all the valleys and
mountains than we have had for two years. We can say the brethren continue
busy planting corn and late crops, and all the old broke land is being cropped,
which shows an untiring zeal in those who remain to secure for themselves

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world. Please do not make this ^portion in brackets^ public in print; if you could visit his
gardens you might see what there was that would be useful and beneficial
to us. I think they have the Black Hamburgh grape in that garden;
cullings from it would be of worth to us.]

Yours truly,
W. Woodruff

P. S. Please remember me kindly to brothers Benson and Richards.
also to the Elders generally.

On the reading of our communication to Sir W. J. Hooker
to Prest. young he wished me to refer Sir William to you and col. J.
Little at Liverpool, to attend to forwarding any specimens from the
Royal Gardens, which he may think proper to send us, his address
is "Sir William Jackson Hooker, Director: Royal Gardens, Kew,
W. W.