The First Presidency of the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Salt Lake City, Utah
Dear Brethren:
Your kind and welcome favor of 3rd inst. notifying me of my
release is at hand. It was received with pleasure, yet I hate to leave
the many friends here. I cant say that the release was a surprise as I
have felt it for some time and I feel that it was the Lord's will for me
to return, though my best energy would have been spent in furthering the
cause had I remained. I hope to always be doing all that is required of
me. I am very thankfurl for the kind expressions your favor contains. I
shall explain everything pertaining to the Mission to Brother Nye before
I leave him. I will leave Tuesday for San Francisco where I hope to meet
my successor and establish his in the work of the Mission.
I desire to leave every thing in a proper condition. I would not be
satisfied to leave with a burden on the Mission for my successor to carry,
so I will send a report of the Mission up to date, and I hope that satis-
factory arrangments can be made for me square up all accounts here before
I leave. I have not yet received the September tithing receipt.