was darkend by removing the lights & a
show was presented in the form of a
Magic lantern presented a man in evry stage
of drunkenness, & a score of other things
rivers, ships, cities, Lions Leapords, Bonapart Victoria, & many other things, & we retired
quite satisfyed with our evenings entertainmen[t] 8 miles
~ Tuesday
29th Elder Kimball went to take a sitting
for his portrait I staid at home & wrote
I sent G. A. Smith a letter a paper called ThePennySatirist containing a long account
about the Latter Day Saints taken from
the Mill Star We attended meeting at the
Academy called & spent a short time with Mr Album, & returned home, & I dreamed of
being in the midst of serpents, & a Tiger came
& guarded me in the midst of my Enemies
I next went through Samuel Demming's
Barns to find Brother Azmon Woodruff
I thought I saw him there. I dreamed of seeing
Brother Azmon & Thompson much of late I
think I shall soon hear from them
~ Wednesday
30th We received 5 letters 2 to me from G A. Smith & Wm PittH. C. Kimball 3 from O. Pratt, Br Harris, & Wm KayHerefordshire
Elder Kimball walked out with Mr AlbJames
Album into another part of the city & had a
good time. I also walked out & visited Mr Hender, No 4 Garden Court, Hull Street, &
had a good time he & his wife received my testi-
mony & think they will soon be Baptized.
I again dreamed of being among serpents one
bit me. We are begining to stir the Devil up
some in London we shall soon find enemies
& opposition & may the Lord Hasten it for
it will bring us friends
~ Thursday
31st This is the Last Day of 1840. I received a letter from Wm Pitt Preached
in the evening took supper with Doctor Copeland
darkened by removing the lights & a
show was Presented in the form of a
Magic lantern presented a man in evry stage
of drunkenness, & a score of other things
rivers, ships, cities, Lions Leopords, Bonapart
Victoria, & many other things, & we retired
quite satisfyed with our evenings entertainment
8 miles
~ Tuesday
29th Elder Kimball went to take a sitting
for his portrait I staid at home & wrote
I sent G. A. Smith a letter a paper called
ThePennySatirist Containing a long account
about the Latter Day Saints taken from
the Mill Star We attended meeting at the
Academy called & spent a short time with Mr
Album, & returned home, & I dreamed of
being in the midst of serpents, & a Tiger came
& guarded me in the midst of my Enemies
I next went through Samuel Demming's
Barns to find Brother Azmon Woodruff
I thought I saw him there, I dreamed of seeing
Brother Azmon & Thompson much of late I
think I shall soon hear from them
~ Wednesday
30th [FIGURE] we received 5 letters 2 to me
from G A. Smith & Wm PittH. C. Kimball 3 from
O. Pratt, Br Harris, & Wm Kay Herefordshire
Elder Kimball walked out with Mr James
Album into another Part of the City & had a
good time. I also walked out & visited Mr
Hender, No 4 Garden Court, Hull Street, &
had a good time he & his wife received my testimony & think they will soon be Baptized.
I again dreamed of being among serpents one
bit me. We are begining to stir the Devil up
some in London we shall soon find enemies
& opposition & may the Lord Hasten it for
it will bring us friends
~ Thursday
31st This is the Last Day of 1840.
[FIGURE] I received a letter from Wm Pitt Preached
in the evening took supper with Doctor
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1840 – December 31, 1840)," December 28, 1840 - December 31, 1840, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 8, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/gp9