Letter to Charles Coulson Rich and William Budge, 5 July 1876 [LE-11878]

Document Transcript

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W. Woodruff
Rich & Budge
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Presidents Rich & Budge

Dear Brethren

I feel
that an Explanation of my visit to bear lake is due
you, when I left S. L. City circumstances limited
me to time and my visit had to be short we were
4 days on the way we arrivd at Randolph Friday night and
I intended to be in paris Sunday morning, it took
the boys till 1 oclok on Saturday to get up the teams we
then drove to Laketown I there heard that you was to be
in Meadowvill & Lake town on Sunday I bought 25
bushels of wheat of Bro Weston took it in my waggon
& drove to Br. Cooks thought I might get ground in the
night & come back in the morning so as to spend a part of
the day with you but on our way there we drove into that
mud hole south of Swan Creek which took us an hour
to get out having to unload when we arived at the Mill
it was dark & he could not grind it untill Morning so it
was Near 10 oclok when we started back and after travelling
about a mile our tyre tire run off from one wheel and
broke the fellies [felloes] we had to carry the wheat back by hand
& it took till 3 oclok before we started again and so on our

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we past each other without meeting at all I should
have Telegraphed from Salt Lake or have written ownly their
is so much uncertainty about ariving in time while
travelling 150 miles with a waggon and I dislike making
an appointment without filling it I should have left my
grain at Bro. Cooks & gon on to St. Charles that night if
you had been in paris but I thought I could
meet with you in Lake town, so this I give as an
Explanation of the whole matter I would liked to have
seen you I expect to start for home in a day or two
I Brought with me a 12 gallon can of young salmon
from our fishing and Divided them between Lake town creek
& Swan Creek tributaries to bear lake I have tried for
several years to get some a there fish in bear lake, but
have not been able to accomplish it before & I would like
to get a much larger number put in then what I
brought. I suppose president Young & Wells arived home
on Saturday. We are all as well as usual

Remember me to your families and all Enquiring friends
I would liked to have met with them

Your Brother in the Gospel of Christ

W. Woodruff