requests you to let no one but know of it— writes in confidence to you—says that
and took their families Saturday night and it is supposed they
have gone to and the word is for all to follow that possibly can to
escape the destruction that is comeing upon . There is a great division there and
a number have left the church and raised what they call a standard of truth
and liberty and drew up a remonstration against wickedness and the pro
cedings that have been illegally, takeing for their guide the book of Mormon the
bible the and for their guide. I will mention some of their names
and , and , and , and and , and , and , , and , and many others but I hope not
Willford and Phebe—there was about thirty five that signed the remon
strance, but the letter stated that there was thousands of the same opinion.
The met and from the church. Doct has withdrawn from the church, the printing office has been taken and sold
for Joseph’s and Sidney’s debts N. Millikens bid it off, therefore we shall not
have the papers at present. I am verry sorry for that for there is much eccitem
ent [excitement] here already about the delay of the papers and I suppose that they have the same
account here in the papers that you saw, some of them have already written to
the Post Masters in and Kirt. to learn the truth of these things although
it is kept private here now. O Willford what is this world comeing to. my heart almost
shrinks within me when I look around on the state of things. Brother
has received a letter from his family in requesting him to return
to them and he thinks of starting in 8 or 10 days. I rather expect that he will
baptize Mr. and as they have been waiting for an oppo-
rtunity most ever since you lelft. Brother has had his case tried and the cost
was trown upon him. Mr has been in a great rage about you he says
that he will spend all his property in law with you but that he will have his
character cleared up, he has applied to two Justices for an execution against you but
requests you to let no one but know of it— writes in confidence to you—says that
and took their families Saturday night and it is supposed they
have gone to and the word is for all to follow that possibly can to
escape the destruction that is comeing upon . There is a great division there and
a number have left the church and raised what they call a standard of truth
and liberty and drew up a remonstration against wickedness and the pro
cedings that have been illegal, takeing for their guide the the
and . I will mention some of their names
and , and , and , and and , and , and , , and , and many others but I hope not
Willford and Phebe—there was about thirty five that signed the remon
strance, but the letter stated that there was thousands of the same opinion.
The high counsil met and cut them all of from the church. Doct has withdrawn from the church, the printing office has been taken and sold
for Joseph’s and Sidney’s debts N. Milliken bid it off, therefore we shall not
have the papers at present. I am verry sorry for that for there is much eccitem
ent excitement here already about the delay of the papers and I suppose that they have the same
account here in the papers that you saw, some of them have already written to
the Post Masters in and Kirt. to learn the truth of these things although
it is kept private here now. O Willford what is this world comeing to. my heart almost
shrinks within me when I look around on the state of things. Brother
has received a letter from his family in requesting him to return
to them and he thinks of starting in 8 or 10 days. I rather expect that he will
baptize Mr. and as they have been waiting for an opportunity most ever since you lelft. Brother has had his case tried and the cost
was trown upon him. Mr has been in a great rage about you he says
that he will spend all his property in law with you but that he will have his
character cleared up, he has applied to two Justices for an execution against you but