Letter from Ezra Taft Benson, 30 September 1856 [LE-11820]

Document Transcript

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Copenhagen .

Elder Woodruff

Dear Brother!

Your very wellcome letter I have recei-
ved and I am thankfull for the news con-
tained therein. I will in turn give you a
short account of my missionary life up to
this date. For the last six weeks I have been
travelling and preaching in several places.
In England I have visited among others, Bir-
, Worcester, Cheltenham, Gloucester,
Reading, London, where there is 35 organized
branches—Bro Ross presiding. He brought together
3 or 4 branches at a time, whereby I got the oppor-
tunity to preach night after night untill we
had gone through all the Districts in this great
Metropolis. from there I went to Essex, and then
to Leeds, Bradford, and Hull. I[n] all places I
have ^had^ the privilege to bear testimony of the Latter
day Work, and have had good times together with
the saints, which I have found to be a good peo
ple. As a general thing as I like England
better than America in that respect that

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E. T. Benson
Copanhagen Sept 30 1856
Answered April 1st 1857
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they maintain and honour their laws much
more than the Americans; nevertheless the clerical
aristocracy try to oppose indirect by using the
influence of the press.

I am now in Company with Elder Kay
visiting the Scandinavian Mission and arrived
here the 10th instant after crossing the north sea
to Hamburg and then with Railroad to Kiel in
Holstein, from this place with steamer to Korsoer
in Iceland, and then with Railroad to Copenha-
where I was kindly received. I found Bro
Haight much blesst of the Lord and doing well.
He has a comfortable Office, issues half monthly
a periodical, very respectable, called "Skandi-
naviens Stierne" (the Scandinavian Star), the Edition
2000 Copies. Besides there are translated and pub-
lished in Danish ^and swedish^ many of our Books and wri-
tings. The prospects are in general very good
the work of the Lord is spreading in spite
of all the difficulties and oppositions caused
by intolerant laws and hireling Priests, main-
tained by the police authorities. I have had good
times among the Scandinavian Saints; they are of
a good Spirit; they love the cause and the servants
of the Lord and show it by their faithfulness

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and obedience to the priesthood which the Lord has
placed over them. I had the pleasure to Adress
them in their meetings through the Interpreter
and translator in the Office Bro Widerborg; and the
saints rejoiced very much. The presiding Elder
in Copenhagen Conference O. N. Liljenquist arranged
very well the commodities for our Meetings by hiring
a large Hall, containing 11 or 1200 Hearers.

Yesterday I returned from Sweden, through wich coun
try I had a very pleasant journey in Company
with Bros Kay, Haight and Widerborg. We visited
Gottenburg, Stockholm, Malmö etc, cheered up and
blessed the saints in this places, where they live
under oppressing circumstances, nevertheless it
pleasing to see how the Gospel breaks its way through
all hinderances and there is in Sweden 21 Bran-
ches, though small and lately planted. The passa-
ge between Gottenburg and Stockholm is indeed ^a^ very
pleasant sailing in ^on^ the rivers, Canals, over the
Lakes, through forests, Fields, meadows and Gardens;
the country beautifull changing and giving the
liveliest sceneries and landscapes. The so called Trold-
hatta canal
and east and west gotha Canals with
75 Locks rising the steamers 308 feet above the
level of the sea is a remarkable labour, worthy

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Bros Kay, Haight and Widerborg wishes to be remembered to you and
those associated with you. We all feel well, and would feel better if
we knew how.
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of seeing. The situation of Stockholm is beautifull;
^some parts^ build upon Islands and Hills surrounded with water
affords a rare picture for the observer, from which side
he takes a look at it. Having finished our visit in
this place, blessed the saints, instructed them and taken
leave of them, retourned we from Stockholm via Baltic
with Steamer to Ystad (Eastad), had a pleasant ride of
36 engl miles through a good farming country to
Malmö, where we also have a branch of the Curch,
and there we took Steamer for Copenhagen, where
we arrived safely the 29th instant after having made
a journey of 11 to 1200 miles. I do intend to visit more
of the Conferences before leaving Denmark, and it
is a pleasure to me to see the kind feelings of
the saints towards me, how they try to show it
in all possible manner. The law of tithing is
about to be introduced throughout all the Scandi-
navian Mission, and the saints rejoices highly in
it, and understand it and consider it as a great
privilege to live under this law. Shortly—I have
the best feelings for this Mission. It numbers at
present nearly 3000 members. I intend to be in Liverpool
about the 20th of October. Bro O. Pratt is labouring with
his valuable talents to give the Gospel to the citizens of
Liverpool, preaching every Sunday to large Congregations.

Please to remember me to Pres Young and Kimball
and Grant and my Brethren in the prayer circle, and
the Brethren in your Office, together with all inquiring
friends, and I say God bless you and them for ever. x

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x A Line from You any time would be very acceptable; it is as water for
thirsty soul to hear from my Brethren in the Mountains.

Your friend and Brother in the Gospel of peace

E T. Benson
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