when you need no longer to support
them. their is a distinction between the
law of the Land and the law of the Church
you have the privilege of keeping all shops that
does not come in contack with the Law of
the state, county, or city, so I will evade the law
says the dealer and give away whiskey and
sell a little tobaco or sumthing & charge enough
for both, but the law of the Church will
reach such men if they are members for they
will be cut off (I had a dream which I will
here relate I saw a fruit tree, & I went into the
tree in search of fruit. I soon discoverd that some
of the main branches on ^the^ top g^r^oing from the main
body was dead; It seemed necessary to cut off
the dead branches in order to save the tree so I
told some person to help me cut them off & they
steped on to a large green limb they were afraid it
would break, so I put my sholder under it & held
it up while he cut off the dead branches it cracked
the green limb but it did not break. after we cut
of[f] the dry limbs the wounds healed up and the
tree grew finely) now let us cut of[f] the dead bran
ches of the Church that good fruit may grow
and the voice will soon be herd go and build
Zion and the great Temple of the Lord.
A word unto the Seventies they will be organized
into their different quorums and a Presidency
of seven men will be chosen out of the first
seventy to preside over each quorum. Now as you
have been warned let evry man warn his Neighbor
and we will give evry man his appointment
as soon as convenient
May the Lord bless you in the name of
Jesus Christ Amen See next page
when you need no longer to support
them. their is a distinction between the
law of the Land and the law of the Church
you have the privilege of keeping all shops that
does not come in contack with the Law of
the state county or city, so I will evade the law
says the dealer and give away whiskey and
sell a little tobaco or somthing & charge enough
for both, but the law of the Church will
reach such men if they are members for they
will be cut off. (I had a dream which I will
here relate I saw a fruit tree, & I went into the
tree in search of fruit. I soon discovered that some
of the main branches on the top groing from the main
body was dead; It seemed necessary to cut off
the dead branches in order to save the tree so I
told some person to help me cut them off & they
steped on to a large green limb they were afraid it
would break, so I put my sholder under it & held
it up while he cut off the dead branches it cracked
the green limb but it did not break. after we cut
off the dry limbs the wounds healed up and the
tree grew finely) now let us cut of the dead bran
ches of the Church that good fruit may grow
and the voice will soon be herd go and build
Zion and the great Temple of the Lord.
A word unto the Seventies they will be organized
into their different quorums and a Presidency
of seven men will be chosen out of the first
seventy to preside over each quorum. Now as you
have been warned let evry man warn his Neighbor
and we will give evry man his appointment
as soon as convenient
May the Lord bless you in the name of
Jesus Christ Amen see next page
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"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," August 18, 1844, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 8, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/Yvp