Letter to Clara Martisha Woodruff Beebe, 20 October 1885


Letter to Clara Martisha Woodruff Beebe, 20 October 1885
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    Oct 20, 1885 My Dear Clara It seems a good while since I heard any thing from you My Last letter to you was the 3 Oct I would be glad to hear from you and know how you are and your Mother & the children I got a letter from Phebe Snow last night I think from her Account her Mother is pretty badly Hurt she says she is ownly able to set up long Enough to have her bed made She thinks also that
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    I would not want any funeral or any child to see the corps this may seem hard but no so hard as to have to follow all the children with grace, it is far more Dangerous than the small pox and almost as contagious you have had it twice I hope you may not have it again or any of the family I seen a Note in one of the papers that it was in the family of James Woodruff but I heard no thing from it afterwards I understand that Julia is getting ...
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    cannot be helped I wish you would write to me and till me how you all get along give my Love to your Mother & all the Children I am Enjoying very good health & at present I have ben lately a correspondence with A M Cannon in the pen and I have had Excellent Letters from him I got a letter from A M Musser last night I got another Letter from Asahel Had wisely supposed it was his Letter when I came to read it it ...