Dear Brother, Your letter of May 7th
in responce to the one writen to you
by my Daughter, is at hand, & I take
this opertunity to express our thanks
for the kind reply, & wise instructions
which your letter contained, My Daughter
has past through much afliction cince her Marrage, In the first place her Husba-
ndsFather lost his right mind & got
deranged so at times he had to be watch-
ed night & day, & arfter a number of
years in this condition he past away from
this life, About this time his Wife lost
the use of her limbs so she could not
walk & became as helpless as a child &
my Daughter had her & her own Famly
to take care of & it wore her out so she
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became verey weak both in bodey &
mind & she told me one day that she
could not stand it aney longer, About
this time the old Lady got verey low
as if she was to pass away from this
life & my Daughter told me that she
prayed for the Lord to take her away
& then she got scared & thought that she
had comited & unpardonable sin &
that she would be forever damed & there
would be no salvation for her, I told
her that it was not verey nice to pray
for any one to die, that should be
left with the Lord, but I did not look
upon it as an unpardonable sin, I told
her that was just a trick of the eavel
one to make her think that she had
done something awful bad, but if
she felt so wored about it she had
better tell the Lord that she was sory
for what she had done & then go
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and get rebaptised & the Lord would
shurley forgive her, & she went & got
rebaptised & felt much better for
a while, but arfter a while the old
feeling come back again & it seames
as if the last state ^of her mind^ was worse than the
first, I have said evrey thing to help &
cheare, & comfort & incurage her that
it was possable for me to do, but to
no purpus, I told her it was not
the Lord that was thus aflicting
her, that she had become weak in
bodey & mind & that she must resist
the eavel influence & tell it to get
behind her, but she said she could
not do it, that the feeling would
haunt her night & day that there
was no Salvation for her, In this
condition of mind she wrote to
you, & I did not ^know^ aney thing about
her writing untill I received
your letter, It was verey gratifying
to me to find that your Council
& advice was the same as my own,
& now I trust that my Daughter
will make an unfaling efort &
put far behind her those evel inf-
luences that they trouble her no more,
for I can say that she is a good
Woman. & if it was not so Satan
would not be so buisey trying to
aflict her. Again I thank you for
your kind reply & wise Council, I
feel assured that it will result in
relieveing my Daughter of her afli-
Praying that the Lord will ever
keep his people in the narow path that
leads to eternal life, I remain your Bro
in the Gospel Alonzo Knight