Yours of this
week came to hand this morning I was highly
pleased with the news with the exception
of the loss which Elder Woodruff has sustained
with him I feel to mourn for it brought forcibly
to my mind the death of my little daughter Lydia
Sister Woodruff must feel disconsolate I cannot but
sympathise with her as she is now left entirely
alone. It is cheering to hear of the prosperity of Nauvoo. It forcibly reminds me of the vision of
Esdras in which he suddenly saw a woman in great
trouble weeping with great lamentation but sud-
denly there appe^a^red in her stead a great city. It will
not take the Jews long to build Jerusalem at that
rate. I think that the sin of laziness & indolence
will not be imputed to the saints much longer
for they seem to build cities with almost as much dex-
terity as children build cob houses & I presume they are
Page 2
far better. the South west of Iowa is a handy
place place for the fur company & those who deal
in bear skins & sweet oil. I think the ravens
will get fat & turkey buzzards have a sociable
feast before many thousand moons wax new & old.
Success to the emigrants & to the south west ex-
ploring company. It is to be hoped that they their
expeditions will result in many important discoveries
in the ancient Territories. You must excuse my
fooleries for when one has not much news
he dislikes sending an empty letter. I baptized
seven last evening which makes 61 in this branch
I have received no letters from any of the brethren
since conference. ErTaylor's letters in the
"Manx Liberal" are superlative Methodist Priests
stand no chance at all. You tell me Parley
has returned I am happy ^to^ hear of it I should not
have thought however that the news would have
come by way of London. that is like the New
yorkers getting the latest news from Liverpool
via N. Orleans which actually took place last
winter. In your next you will oblige me if you
will give me the news from Glasgow & Paisley
as I feel anxious to hear from them the furthest way
Page 3
round is ^frequently^ the quickest way of conveyance in this
day of wonders. Give my respects to ErsTaylor & Clark & tell them that I have received the paper
they forwarded & have heard of their success by the
way of London give me all the news you get from
the Isle of man & also from Manchester give my
respects to Parley also. I am still alone Bro. Watts has not yet arrived. please write to me
Er Taylor's address I am glad to hear that
you have succeeded in obtaining a place to
preach in if your congregation should diminish
a few weeks you need not be discouraged if [you] [page torn]
continue to hold meetings they will eventually
get on the increase again the probability is
that I shall stay in Edinburgh this winter
unless it should be thought best for me to do
otherwise I am at the disposal of the the council
May the Lord bless you & open an effect-
ual door in London is the prayer of your
fellow Labourer